And then let's catch the Seven Samurai for some reason on PBS and we feel like we can speak Japanese because we can read the subtitles and hear the language at the same time.
接下来看美 国公共广播公司的《七侠四义》,我们一边读字幕一边听日语,还自以为能听懂日语;
Other cabinet members distant from Mr Ozawa-some call them the "Seven Samurai" -appear refreshingly eager to get on with making policy, rather than playing politics.
The samurai at the end have lost four of their seven, yet there are no complaints, because that is the samurai's lot.
Wang divided into three groups: a group of middle-centered to the Buddha, Bodhisattva Seven Samurai threat.
Wang divided into three groups: a group of middle-centered to the Buddha, Bodhisattva Seven Samurai threat.