They included "The Round House", by Louise Erdrich, "Salvage the Bones", by Jesmyn Ward and the short story "Corrie" by Alice Munro.
Nick Manter asked Cath for permission to publish the short story that they wrote together.
His calling was the short story—a form with “the life expectancy of a mayfly”, he conceded.
If you don't feel like reading to the end, the short story is that they didn't get that win.
Lim Chew finds' Uncle Gao-liang 'entertaining, and is emotionally moved by the short story of' Xin-er's Birthday '.
The bizarre theft almost exactly mirrors the outlandish heist in the short story The Red-Headed League (see photo).
The short story in the Late Qing Time was an interim pattern but it embodied the characteristic of modern short story.
It demonstrates an admirable command of the short story form, revealing moments of extraordinary brilliance along the way.
The reason given on this passage for the popularity of the short story could be used to explain the popularity of television.
He USES the majority of strengths in the short story creation, achieves the very great achievement in the short story domain.
For a long time, i have benn moved by the short story called A Boy Buys God, and now i'd like to share my felling about it wih you.
As a master of the short story, Katherine Mansfield's distinctive narrative art is her main contribution to the development of the short story.
Lawrence confessed that he wrote stories just to earn - "running money". But it has been argued that in fiction he was best in the short story.
The short story is that I am attempting to overcome my addiction to brands by burning all my branded stuff on a great bonfire on 17th September 2006.
故事很简单,是讲我在 2006 年9 月17 日将我身边带有商标的东西统统扔进篝火里烧掉,以此尝试克服对于个别商标的偏好。
In the short story "the Final Problem", he had his villain, Professor Moriarty, push Holmes down the Reichenbach Falls, killing the detective off.
The short story (A Rose for Emily) by William Faulkner tells us a life tragedy of an unsociable and eccentric, arrogant noble descendant in the south.
The opera house's spokesman Gerard Mortier said in a statement on Sunday that Wuorinen had accepted an invitation to compose an opera of the short story.
The prompt required us to read a short story. The short story was about a sniper who was fighting in a war. He met an enemy sniper who was very good also.
Takel appeared once more in the Adventure Journal when he was mentioned in the short story the Capture of Imperial Hazard in Star Wars Adventure Journal 10.
The short story then makes it clear that it is Harry's uncanny resemblance to his dead father, who was so disliked by Vernon, that provoked his uncle's wrath.
But while the movie is something of a dramatic, star-crossed romance, the short story is hilariously grim about the realities of an aging-backwards lifestyle.
The short story "Sunstroke" by I. A. Bunin, the first Nobel Prize winner of Russians in literature, takes up a special place in his creation on the theme of love.
In the short story That Evening Sun, William Faulkner discloses the white mans indifferences toward black peoples sufferings by using various narrative techniques.
Not only that but their reading speed and comprehension of the short story was unaffected compared with their pre-training tests. Quite an impressive feat of attention.
Not only that but their reading speed and comprehension of the short story was unaffected compared with their pre-training tests. Quite an impressive feat of attention.