The prisoners escaped out of the jail under the shroud of night.
Some have suggested a connection between the Shroud of Turin and the Image of Edessa.
It is one space beyond the shroud of Confucianism, yet can be regarded as the space for its new growth.
Consider, for instance, a blurry little black-and-white photograph of a smiley-face icon, so fuzzy and ill-defined it looks like a parody of the Shroud of Turin.
In the Museum Cluny in Paris, the coats of arms of this knight and his widow can be seen on a pilgrim medallion, which also shows an image of the Shroud of Turin.
But increasingly they are fed up with the shroud of secrecy thrown over the Fukushima plant and the abandoned towns and villages where families had lived for centuries.
The Shroud of Turin (or Turin Shroud) is an ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have been physically traumatized in a manner consistent with crucifixion.
The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
Like the hand of a dead woman who is seeking to cover herself with a shroud.
Using computer scans she found that the face on the Turin Shroud and a self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci share the same dimensions.
Beneath the black cloth two straight and rigid forms were visible, one large, the other small, and the two faces were vaguely outlined beneath the cold folds of the shroud.
The earliest known record of the shroud appears on a commemorative medallion struck in the mid-14th century and on display at the Cluny Museum Paris, he added.
He saw the sad nightingales nodding on the branches and they reminded him of his mother. A gray shroud fell over the city.
But instead, from deep within the black shroud of the wife, a gurgle of laughter emerged that turned into a torrent of mirth, echoed by seabirds passing overhead.
RED flames shimmer behind a thick shroud of smoke at the Ras Laffan gas plant in Qatar.
Gray clouds billow through the streets of the financial district and shroud the 16 acres where the towers had stood just moments before.
In many Chinese cities, a thick shroud of pollution literally blots out the sun much of the time.
The key techniques of reverse engineering are researched and applied to shroud model reconstruction of motorcycles in this thesis.
The detail and heft of the man on the shroud was greatly enhanced in the photographic negative, leading to renewed speculation on its miraculous origin.
If the claims of this testimony are correct, it would be consistent with the radiocarbon dating of the shroud (see below).
But a moment later, the shroud reappears, driven together by the churning of a deep distributed mob.
In 2004, researchers from the University of Padua announced the discovery of a very faint and much less detailed image on the reverse side of the shroud, consisting of the face and hands.
In 2004, researchers from the University of Padua announced the discovery of a very faint and much less detailed image on the reverse side of the shroud, consisting of the face and hands.