It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects.
"It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects," he said.
In this case, the side effects appeared to be beneficial.
But the side effects have deeply scarred China's landscape.
The side effects don't always go away when you stop taking the pills.
He didn't care about reviews, he said, but "the side effects" bothered him.
We could find ways to shut down seizures but the side effects might be intolerable.
In some cases, the side effects were discovered during FDA trials and were deemed acceptable risks.
The little boy was suffering from leukemia.He lost all his hair due to the side effects of the chemotherapy.
Sometimes application programs may depend unknowingly on the side effects of the malloc 3.1 allocation policy.
有时候,应用程序可能会不知不觉地依赖于malloc 3.1分配策略的副作用。
Herbal supplements can be a great way to increase your productivity, but only if you can handle the side effects.
What they don't consider is the side effects that come from these types of pills, not the least of which is addiction.
However, the side effects are said to be greater possibly because the active ingredient remains longer in the body.
The drug also works as a splurge deterrent-the side effects are so unpleasant that you'll want to avoid fatty foods.
The side effects of this treatment can be devastating in terms of weakness, fatigue and a decrease in quality of life.
In others, the side effects turned out to be catastrophic but weren't well-known until after the drug was widely used.
Why deal with the side effects of fancy medications when all you may really need is a little rest and a warn cup of tea?
After several weeks on a course of ARV's, Zweli's weight has gone up, though he still suffers from the side effects of the treatment.
However, the page of fine-print side effects already explains the negatives of many medicines. Read the bottle labels and the side effects.
All through the clinical trials, all side effects are being reported and catalogued. The side effects are rated as to severity and frequency.
"The way to tame the worst forms of unilateral geoengineering is to promote a lot more research, especially [into] the side effects," Victor says.
The current trial showed that the side effects disappeared after participants stopped the medication, but there may be more permanent effects to consider.
The guidelines are intended to balance the treatment benefits with the side effects from the drugs and the possibility of fostering drug resistance in the virus.
I guess they were designed so that you could place more presents at the bottom. It also has the side effects of being harder for pets and kids to climb up on.
And you can reduce also the side effects, which is very important because we know that the death rate is mainly higher when people are not put early on treatment.
One of the side effects of this is that the sources of and pathways to useful information will continually change, and users won’t necessarily know where to go to find it.
Discuss the pros and cons of testing with patients, offering written information or videos that discuss the likelihood of false test results and the side effects of treatment.
Obesity has been a difficult field for drug companies because the side effects of any drug need to be minimal because of potential long-term use by otherwise healthy patients.
As well as taking a supply of masks, team Canada will bring air purifiers, asthma puffers, eye drops, nasal sprays and throat lozenges to help with the side effects of poor air.
Unfortunately, some of the API features that make this approach possible are a little quirky, and the side effects and interactions are not always as well documented as you might like.