Both of the sisters wanted to put on the slipper, but their feet were far too big.
The sisters, plus a third male opossum called Teddy, arrived via a zoo in Denmark, and will make their public debut on July 1.
It was the third time this week that the sisters had been arguing over nothing.
When the story begins, the sisters are complaining because they are poor and have to work.
She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore beautiful clothes and had fun.
The sisters plagued her in all sorts of ways, and laughed at her.
The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo.
I entered the university, and during that hurried time, the sisters of the Girls' Association gave me a very difficult experience.
The sisters, do not be surprised!
She writes stories. And she creates plays that the sisters perform together.
The sisters told one another how much they missed the dog and how terrible they felt.
Then the sisters began to ponder: where would the little girl sit on the family tree?
The sisters initially were placed in foster care with another relative, but conflicts arose.
"All this is stupid and Kafkaesque, and the sisters are very upset about it," said Etgar.
The sisters were in poor financial health and desperately wanted at least part of the frozen funds released.
The sisters’ impulse was to offer him half the company, but Larry said “he would be uncomfortable taking that much of it.”
American taxpayers may be relieved to know that the Pentagon has tightened its payment procedures in response to the sisters' scam.
"Girlfriend, please," Mandy said, did that dismissive wave all the sisters did in meetings, and lately on TV, but which Mandy couldn't master.
And the sisters wondered how to describe the relationship between Mallory and Jamison, who are not only biological half-siblings, but also Cousins.
From the mainland, the Aeolian Islands look like an archipelago of teeth. Sheer and exposed, only seven of them - "the sisters" - are inhabited.
The sisters, born in Colorado Springs in the United States in 1977, were tiny cubs when they moved to Australia. They have been in Sydney since 1985.
While the sisters set thetable out back for dinner (Emily had made watercress soup and spinach-pestopasta salad), they talked about life with their father.
The sisters have been coming to the park for tea at least twice a week for the last 30 years and their children and grandchildren frequent the park as well.
When breakfast was over, they were joined by the sisters, and Elizabeth began to like them herself, when she saw how much affection and solicitude they shewed for Jane.
With the Pope's blessing, Mother Teresa descended into the slums of Calcutta, undoubtedly one of the poorest cities on the planet, and began the Sisters of Charity.
Some of the old-fashioned ways of doing things—dressing for dinner, for example—went by the board, but the sisters still expected Sophie to produce three meals a day.
在斯黛芬姐妹的父母相继过世后,索菲跟随“吉尼亚小姐” 和 瓦纳莎一同来到布鲁姆斯伯里。在这里,姐妹俩决定尝试一种新的生活方式,因此一些旧式的行为方式被抛弃,譬如要穿戴整齐后才能吃晚餐。
They had nothing but contempt for the notion of special treatment for "the sisters", and instead insisted on getting ahead by dint of working harder and thinking smarter.
Initially Gottfried was returned to the house and the sisters were removed pending charges of abandonment and abuse against their father for not calling authorities sooner.
M. Madeleine, on the recommendation of the sisters of charity and of his priest, got the good man a place as gardener in a female convent in the Rue Saint-Antoine in Paris.
M. Madeleine, on the recommendation of the sisters of charity and of his priest, got the good man a place as gardener in a female convent in the Rue Saint-Antoine in Paris.