Methods By the site investigation and the comprehensive intervention, the collective hysteria attack was intervened.
If you leave a name and phone in the future we may contact you to participate in an improvement of the site investigation.
Bridges are severely damaged in Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake. The seismic damage to Bridges in Mianzhu City is analyzed based on the site investigation.
A disposal site should be located at an area near the place where the wastes are produced. The site investigation and assessment system should focus on aspects of environmental hydrogeology.
处置场的选址应遵循就近原则, 并应从环境水文地质的角度来构建场地的选址及评价体系;
Based on the site investigation and testing, summary and evaluation of the harmonic characteristics of typical nonlinear loads, and the effective solutions of harmonic elimination are presented.
Under the proposals, the CSRC would have the right to conduct on-site investigation of fund managers and custodian banks.
On Tuesday, Embraer confirmed the crash and said it was sending a team of technicians to the accident site to assist Chinese authorities in an investigation of the cause.
The site has been inaccessible since Wednesday morning as its operators shut it down for investigation.
周三早,管理员为展开调查将网站关闭。 目前,该网站无法访问。
Production has been suspended at the site of the explosion until the completion of the investigation.
Last year, Italy's taxation regulators opened an investigation in to eBay, demanding that it hand over the details of customers who had sold goods through the auction site between 2004 and 2007.
去年,意大利税收监管人员对eBay网站展开调查,要求它提供2004年- 2007年期间在这个拍卖网站销售过商品的用户的详细信息。
This investigation should be far-reaching, collecting relevant data, correlating specific weather occurrences to recorded antenna activity at the Alaska site as well as at the two other sites, etc.
He has ordered an official investigation into the crash, and for rescue teams to be sent to the crash site.
By site geologic investigation, the paper evaluates stability of goaf, and takes relevant treatment measures of ground and structure.
Site investigation: tenderee will not organize site reconnaissance. If necessary, bidders can conduct site investigation themselves. And the expenses of the bidder shall be charged by himself.
Yukiya Amano said he reported to the IAEA's board about his trip to Iran that included visiting the Parchin military site that has been a key focus of the investigation.
A site investigation revealed the drive had a poor sub base, causing unattractive cracks along the walk that reflected poorly on the property.
Based on soil investigation works of the Nuclear Power Station site in Guangdong province, some key geological questions have been discussed, and the investigation methods have been talked about.
This paper analyses the substance compositing of the basalt laterite section, based on site investigation the basalt laterite in Kunming area.
Experts on site suspected that the sudden collapse of an underground karst cave created by eroded limestone caused the sinkhole, but the investigation is ongoing.
The two dam sites selected in this survey investigation exert great influence to the final decision of the dam site.
On the basis of site investigation of main highways in loess plateau, the damages of caves in collapsible loess to highway are studied.
Based on the fracture site investigation and macro-rod fracture analysis, the welding rod fracture occurred in the vicinity of the weld fusion line.
This evaluation system is a multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation system based on fuzzy theory, the on-site investigation in Urumchi, and times of survey and advisory of the experts.
It was proved in practice that investigation, filter, evaluation and decision of the site of ATM could be realized in this system, and also management and maintain of ATM could be effective.
实际使用表明,该系统能提供了AT M布点选址的调查、筛选与评估决策,并对其运营与维护进行有效管理。
After the surface geology investigation, the surface tectonic model of the site is set up in the paper.
Methods: Employing the methods of literature review, intervention research and site investigation to address the problems above.
Methods: Employing the methods of literature review, intervention research and site investigation to address the problems above.