Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
It was thought to be named after the sitter, most likely the Florentine wife of Francesco del Giocondo.
It was thought to be named after the sitter most likely the Florentine wife of francesco del giocondo.
One that reclines, as an armchair that reclines when the sitter lowers the chair's back and raises its front.
One that reclines, as an armchair that reclines when the sitter lowers the chair's back and raises its front.
Drouais's painting is the last of numerous portraits of the sitter by some of the best-known painters of the day, including Boucher and Carle van Loo.
A careful clean has revealed the sitter as the beautiful young Florentine aristocrat, Marchese Altoviti (pictured top), dressed as Hercules’ protégé, Hylus.
通过拍照清楚提示出是一位美丽的佛罗伦萨贵族妇人,MarcheseAltoviti (见顶部图),身着Hercules’ protégé纱裙,露出肚脐。
He also describes how Leonardo hired musicians and Jesters amuse the sitter so that she would smile, and not have the solemn expression that portraits often have.
Traditionally, photographed subjects are captured immediately, often over several sequential frames, but usually only one image is selected to represent the sitter.
Zeng typically has left the backgrounds of his Mask paints empty and flat, to highlight both the artificiality of the scene and the alienation inherent to the sitter.
The first of these, the most common sort of female portrait in the Renaissance, presents the sitter as a beautiful and desirable woman who, true to type, smiles at the viewer.
Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition.
This poses a particular challenge for parents who work outside the home and must find a sitter, nanny or other child-care provider who will insist on the manners they consider most important.
If you dislike the idea of taking your suit to the cleaners and finding a sitter for the kids just to head out to a job fair, then stay at home and go online.
They may have been a great electronic baby sitter, but the unusual refunds appear to be a tacit admission that they did not increase infant intellect.
Worried about leaving your house empty while on holiday? Japan has the answer: a robot house-sitter.
But we were able to take our children down to the park when they were babies and leave them with a teenage sitter and no one was worried about safety.
But on this visit the unnamed sitter looked only half-familiar, like a friend who, since the last meeting, had aged or grown.
In her view the work was a collaboration between two 20th-century geniuses: the artist and his sitter.
Monster: My dear friends, I think we three should have a fair game. Let's see who is the best baby sitter.
Harry: Oh, speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow, and the baby-sitter has to get home.
This three prehistoric animals not only act as a baby sitter, even after the ice and icebergs all proof of life to escort him home.
MARY BETH: Yes. My new baby-sitter handles the children more easily. The children seem calmer. They're more rested and better behaved.
You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.
Couldn't you work as a baby-sitter in the evenings?
The painter quite obviously set out to flatter his sitter.
The painter quite obviously set out to flatter his sitter.