On April 17, the sky was clear and the Sun's colour was spectacular as night approached.
As the saying goes, "the sky was clear" is written in the sky, the beauty of autumn scenery.
Slowly the cloud descended until the sky was clear, and the last tip of the cloud was in the jar.
Though the earth was cold and wet, the sky was clear, and the sun rose bright, placid, and beautiful.
The next day, coincided with the ancient calendar June 6 - "fire festival", the sky was clear and cloudless.
Rest on Sunday, the sky was clear, white clouds float over the blue sky, a group of birds fly freely in the sky.
I do not know through a few world reincarnation, can we spend the vast sea encounter with you! Watch life the sky was clear!
One day, Ma Hu and his five friends went to the Kun Shan Mountain for traveling. The sky was clear and they started to climb.
The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows.
Blue sky white cloud continuously, that is my mind filar silk leaves light sorrow; yet my mind and the sky was clear, because I think soon reunion.
I wish you a New Year, the sky was clear and happy mind wander, free wind drift, encouraging, enthusiastic and excited vigor, well dreams come true!
Autumn, the sky was clear. The golden leaves numerous films, like floating the boat, swaying, waving long, spinning round and round children fell to the ground.
In fact, time is a picture, let me calm down in the autumn, sitting alone in the relaxed and one, long-term perspective, nothing Hongyan, Ningmou deep, the sky was clear.
Fall is also a fruitful season, The sky was clear, monthly Long Feng-Qing, Xie Fei Huang Ju, melons, sweet and fragrant fruit, only the hard-working person can harvest the success and joy.
秋又是硕果累累的季节,天高云淡,月朗风清,菊黄蟹肥,瓜香果甜,只有勤劳者才能收获成功和喜悦。 。
There, I could see the whole of the sky, which was as clear as crystal.
And saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.
The eastern sky was still clear, but graying, shot through with streaks of pink and orange.
The sky was blue, the river was clear and clean, and there were some different kinds of fishes, there were many green trees and beautiful flowers on both sides of the road.
This was taken in the alley by my cannon. By the time I got into the alley, the sky was much more clear, almost sunny.
And it also does great harm to the environment, the sky was not blue and the river was no longer clear.
A day passed, and the sky was bright and clear. Two frogs were talking to each other delightfully on the linen.
The sun was very clear in the sky, and there was a cool breeze from the sea.
It was no less clear than the illusion of the evening sun sinking through the sky.
It was a cold, clear night, and the village lay under deep snow. Bright, icy stars shone from a dark sky down on the silent whiteness below.
The sky was so clear and the stars so visible that the earth could almost be seen turning.
The full power of the clear heaven was not equal to that of a cloudy sky at noon, when Boldwood arose and dressed himself.
Back then the dust and smoke of industryhadn't yet polluted the air, and the starry sky was especially clear, with theMilky Way clearly visible.
The mother was knitting a little stocking; her fingers moved the bright needles; but her eyes were fixed on the clear evening sky.
The mother was knitting a little stocking; her fingers moved the bright needles; but her eyes were fixed on the clear evening sky.