Sounds added to the slingshot.
The slingshot effect is used to accelerate a spacecraft in a planetary flyby.
With big 80s hair, the neon shades and the slingshot, she's probably the most "punk rock" of this bunch.
So a team from JPL has got together to analyse all of the slingshot manoeuvres that have been carried out over the years, to see if they really do involve a small but systematic extra boost.
He came at Goliath with a slingshot and staff because those were the tools of his trade.
The valley of Elah is where the Philistines sent out their Goliath to terrify the Israelites, and where young David felled the giant with his trusty slingshot.
If a third star ventures too close, the bully binary flings it clear like a slingshot.
The "Angry birds" game — with its sometimes monotonous launching of slingshot birds — seems to provide a thin source of creative material for deeper storytelling.
These robots, typically launched by foot soldiers with a catapult, slingshot or hand toss, far outnumber their larger kin, which are the size of piloted aeroplanes.
It's like a slingshot — the harder you pull, the more propulsion you generate.
One that he mentions, which will be as quaint as Pong some day, features the use of a slingshot to launch angry birds to destroy pigs and their fortresses.
In the game, players help a group of slingshot-aided-birds wipe out pigs who stole their eggs.
The main purpose was to use the gravity of the largest planet in our solar system to slingshot Cassini towards Saturn, its ultimate destination.
Soon after taking off from Florida, LCROSS used gravity to slingshot itself into a wide orbit around the Earth that would eventually coincide with the moon.
The generator has a sidekick: a water-purification machine, called Slingshot.
Players launch the birds from a slingshot-like mechanism, adjusting the tension and trajectory to inflict maximum damage on the pigs and their ramshackle quarters.
"You're going to be going at a pretty good clip," Schmidt says, and the ship could maybe swing through the stars' gravity Wells in a kind of reverse slingshot effect to help decelerate.
A fronde was a kind of a slingshot that Paris street urchins used to shoot fancy people with rocks as they rode their carriages through the muddy streets of Paris.
"For example, were someone to be threatening you with armed force outside your front door, would you not get ready even a slingshot?" the ministry statement said.
The siskin is stretching out its neck to peck at the mantis, not knowing that a man carrying a slingshot is under it.
The king happened to come and saw the young man's clothes wet through, but the young man seemed unconscious of that, aiming at something with a slingshot.
WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet, and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course, the astronomers figure.
天文学家们估计,WAPS - 17行星有可能和一颗较大的卫星又一次近距离接触,引力相互作用就好像弹弓,将WASP - 17放入奇怪的轨迹。
The advantage of the Laser Slingshot is that it is capable of firing a small spread of projectiles or BB's at a target.
He carried a slingshot, and for three consecutive 2 days paced up and down in the King's back garden. The dew wetted his clothes all through.
He carried a slingshot, and for three consecutive 2 days paced up and down in the King's back garden. The dew wetted his clothes all through.