Side view of the Snowball USB microphone.
The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life.
The grey granules are pollen from Viburnum tinus, or the snowball plant.
As a result, he tends not to sell, letting the snowball gather weight as it rolls downhill.
The buyer put down $1 million on the Snowball Mansion and financed the remainder with two loans.
She spend hundreds of hours interviewing the Sage of Omaha for the new authorized biography The Snowball.
He packed it round and firm and put the snowball in his pocket for tomorrow. Then he went into his warm house.
Snowballs from 2005 have melted! Due to lack of maintenance the snowball launchers have got clogged up and broken.
Hold a number of ants gather into a black regiment, like the snowball rolling with the same fly and escape the flames.
You have to realize how the snowball process works and how easy it is to fall into it and how dangerous it can really get.
I can not consider of the cold, excited rushed out of the house, join the snowball fights, a snowman, and friends have fun!
我顾不得寒冷,兴奋地冲出家门,加入了打雪仗、堆雪人的队伍,和小伙伴们玩得开心极了! !
The snowball texture in quartz and K_feldspar phenocrysts is commonly observed in some Li_F enriched and raremetal_bearing granites.
These savings were the basis of his fortune—the snowball of Alice Schroeder’s title growing steadily bigger as Mr Buffett pushed it through life.
The 976-page book is titled "the snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life", which comes from a comment by Buffett, "Life is like a snowball."
Let us now look far and near people, chase play, one by one of the snowball flying in the air, leaving only a string of crisp cheers echoed in the ears.
For instance, eruptions during the snowball-Earth period are thought to have added sulfur particles to the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and cooling the planet.
Students some snowball, some in a snowman, some in the snowball fights, and in the snow to trash, I saw several large and small footprints in the snow, very interesting!
Especially in the snowball playing, when I was stricken by the upcoming snowballs in the face and neck, I felt considerably thrilled, though I felt terribly cold at the same time.
All this publicity has had a snowball effect on the sales of their latest album.
My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow-moving, fluffy kind.
He is having snowball fights with his brother in the garden.
A small pebble that is rolled down an icy hill can accumulate into a giant snowball towards the end.
My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow moving, fluffy kind.
He takes a lot of criticism for his support of the Debt Snowball, which he describes in detail here, but the thing is: his methods work.
The animals had their breakfast, and then Snowball and Napoleon called them together again.
There is a lot of merit in the “debt snowball” concept, which advocates paying off the smallest debt first.
There is a lot of merit in the “debt snowball” concept, which advocates paying off the smallest debt first.