After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now satisfy one-fourth of the school's electricity needs—saving the neighborhood thousands of dollars.
Also, you may recognise the solar panels and the large radiators.
Leaves are the solar panels of trees, collecting sunlight for photosynthesis.
The solar panels heat water for hot tubs and have giant flat-screen TVs above each.
The solar panels also store up enough charge during the day to provide power for electronic devices.
The energy is collected by the solar panels placed on the roof, saved in a battery and used in time of need.
Many people think that the solar panels installed on their roofs will supply electricity directly for their home use.
Large scale solar installations are usually in sunny, dry desert areas where winds can deposit layers of dust over the solar panels.
This process has already enabled Suntech to label the solar panels as "made in U.S.A." as a result, they now qualify for federal "Buy American" subsidies.
When a PV array is shaded by another object, like a tree or a house, the solar panels get backed up with electrons like cars in a traffic jam, and the current drops.
Built from a collaboration between Israeli company Solaris Synergy and French EDF Group, the solar panels also minimize environmental impact via their "breathable" design.
以色列的SolarisSynergy公司以及法国的EDF Group (EDF集团)合作生产的这些太阳能电池板采用“可呼吸”设计,能将对环境的影响减至最小。
It's also not yet clear what technology is best suited for widespread use of solar power.Ten years from now, the solar panels most people buy might not even be made of silicon.
It's also not yet clear what technology is best suited for widespread use of solar power. Ten years from now, the solar panels most people buy might not even be made of silicon.
Thankfully, the solar panels have been hooked up now and power has been restored, due, in no small part, to the efforts of Mark Ax and his newly trained John Obey village solar team.
谢天谢地,太阳能电池板已经安装好了,供电恢复了。 这多亏了麦克.艾柯斯,还有他新培训出来的约翰.欧贝村员工的功劳。
As solar panels get cheaper, the world is likely to see more skyscrapers covered in solar panels, collecting energy much like trees do.
Newly designed giant gravel batteries could be the solution to the on-off nature of wind turbines and solar panels.
For example, solar energy is gathered through large glass panels facing the sun.
Generating enough electricity by using solar panels requires an area about 20 times larger than the area being illuminated.
They agreed to cover the entire building in solar panels.
Chang'e 4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels.
In 2004, the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest range of vertical solar panels.
In 2004, the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest range of vertical solar panels.