The zoo is promoting their newest attractions, with posters and signs with Wangwang and Funi on them. The souvenir shop has all kinds of panda toys.
"You won't believe how quickly some of the products sold out, " says Manoj Kumar, who runs the souvenir shop in a plush central New Delhi neighborhood. "The constipation medicine is a hot seller.
The first time I went I saw this shirt in a souvenir shop and my dad bought it for me.
'My business is better than before,' says Mr. Kwong, as he presides over displays of the yellow-tinged liquor at the Angkor Rice Wine Workshop, a distillery and souvenir shop he owns.
Along the faded Regency seafront, souvenir stalls halted trading, led by staff at a sweet shop where Marine Wright once worked.
Marshall was gawking through the plate-glass window of his little souvenir shop.
There is the obligatory souvenir shop and some trick viewing binoculars which allow you to see the view by day or by night, but little else.
Ensor made his artist's studio in the attic of his family's home, where his mother ran a souvenir shop selling beach trinkets and masks for the annual carnival.
José Luis, the manager of a souvenir shop selling masks, statues and other handicrafts, says his family shut two similar stores in 2009 rather than pay protection money.
侯塞*路易斯(José Luis)是一家卖面具、雕像及其它手工艺纪念品商店的经理。他说在2009年,他家为了不交保护费,宁愿关闭了两间类似的纪念品商店。
José Luis, the manager of a souvenir shop selling masks, statues and other handicrafts, says his family shut two similar stores in 2009 rather than pay protection money.
侯塞*路易斯(José Luis)是一家卖面具、雕像及其它手工艺纪念品商店的经理。他说在2009年,他家为了不交保护费,宁愿关闭了两间类似的纪念品商店。