What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the construction of the railroads?
The film centers around the space race between the USSR and the USA.
The space race is just another aspect of the age-old argument that 'might is right'.
Americans may be exaggerated in the space race with the former Soviet Union's achievements.
Setting America's sights on the moon, unwilling to lose the Space Race in the wake of Sputnik.
A few hope for a modern rerun of the space race, with China or perhaps India providing the competition.
Almost every day we see something in the papers about the latest exciting developments in the space race.
It features the continuation of the cold war and the space race, up to the rival sides conquesting space.
It was a surprise to the world, a shock to many Americans, and the starting gun for the space race between the superpowers.
Although it is often remembered as an exercise in technology, the space race was just as much a competition in public relations.
Science spending was huge, the space race was going at full speed, the education level of the population increased dramatically.
Besides, 'slow & steady wins the race', just because the US got to the moon first (don't forget the Russians won the space race!
The space race between America and the Soviet Union was as much about ideological one-upmanship as extraterrestrial exploration.
They say that the US was so desperate to win the space race against the former Soviet Union that it faked the moon landing on movie sets.
That is exactly why the U.S. wanted to do it, in order to one-up the Soviet Union, who were perceived as leading the space race at the time.
这正是为什么美国想要这样做的原因——为了领先苏联。 那时人们曾认为苏联处于太空竞争的领先地位。
Perhaps they object, not to the space race, but to America winning it, just as many of them oppose, not our intervention in Vietnam, but our choice of sides.
I grew up during the Space Race and the Cold War, and as I explained above, my father was an SF reader in the 1930s and I grew up reading his collection.
Ralph Morse worked as a photographer for LIFE for decades, covering everything from the liberation of Paris in 1944 to Broadway shows and the Space Race.
A son of the Cold War tells what it was like from the losing side of the Space Race--and how the U.S.S.R.'s space program fizzled after Sputnik and Gagarin
The Seattle World's fair, called the Century 21 Exposition, used an aerospace aesthetic to fuel America's determination to win the Space Race against the Soviet Union.
But the veil of secrecy, and the barriers thrown up by the cold war, have meant that the Soviet half of the space race remains, by comparison, a largely unknown story.
But the veil of secrecy, and the barriers thrown up by the cold war, have meant that the Soviet half of the space race remains, by comparison, a largely unknown story.