This list of tasks becomes the Sprint Backlog.
The sprint backlog does not change during the sprint.
On the overview page of the Sprint Backlog, document the sprint goal (Figure 2)
在Sprint Backlog的概述页面上,记录 Sprint 的目标(图2)。
The sprint Backlog represents the work that the team has committed to complete during the sprint.
Tracking can also be done efficiently by using the Planned Time view for the Sprint Backlog (see Figure 13).
为Sprint Backlog使用PlannedTime视图,可以有效地执行追踪操作(见于图13)。
Any infrastructure tasks related to product backlog items were identified and included in the sprint backlog.
To enter estimates for your tasks, open the Preview editor by clicking on the eyeglasses icon in the Sprint Backlog.
为了向任务输入估计,您可以通过在Sprint Backlog 中点击眼镜图标,来打开Preview编辑器。
The items in the Sprint Backlog are estimated in hours, allowing the team to determine if the items can be completed.
Sprint Backlog中的项目以小时进行估计,以便允许团队决定,项目是否能够准时完成。
The sprint Backlog: ideally in the form of a task board showing the current state of each piece of work in the current sprint.
sprint Backlog:理想状态下,应该是用任务板的形式,显示当前sprint中每一项任务的当前状态。
The items in the Sprint Backlog are estimated in hours so that the team can determine whether the items can be completed in time.
Two backlogs: the product backlog of all the requirements for the product and the sprint backlog containing the requirements planned for the current sprint.
When it is time for the next sprint, use the same approach for creating an iteration plan for Sprint 1 to create one for Sprint 2, then start moving Product Backlog items into it for planning.
当到了开始下一个迭代的时候,使用同样的方法,为Sprint1创建一个迭代计划以创建 Sprint2 ,然后开始为了规划,将 ProductBacklog项目移到它里面 。
The Product Owner selected a subset of these items, which constituted the possible product backlog to be considered for the sprint.
产品负责人挑选出这些项目的一个子集,包含考虑在 sprint 中解决的可能产品待办事项。
Such changes and any missing or incorrect functionality were added to the product backlog for the next sprint.
As items from the Product Backlog are selected for completion during the sprint planning meeting, they become part of a sprint Backlog.
Putting a business value in points against every item on the backlog allows you to calculate 'business Velocity', i.e. how much business value (in points) was delivered in each Sprint.
Once this was done, the ticket was removed from the current sprint and the product Owners determined the priority in relation to other items in the product backlog.
Maven: After the current sprint is done, you reprioritize the backlog once again and have a new planning session. Then you do it all over again and deliver yet more value to the customer.
The Product backlog: displaying the backlog puts the current sprint in context and helps prevent the team from feeling isolated within this sprint.
The stories at the top of your product backlog should be researched enough to be presented without ambiguity to your team at the sprint planning meeting.
During the third sprint, additional work was added to the Product Backlog, which led to a smaller decrease of remaining work until the fourth sprint started.
What I would like to do is have a 1 or 2 sprint cycle as part of the hour but am lacking the inspiration to think of some backlog items that could be used.
Similar to the previous instructions for creating the Product Backlog iteration plan, right-click on Sprint 1 (1.0) in the Plans node of the Team Artifacts view, select New and then Plan.
与前面创建ProductBacklog迭代计划的指南相类似,在TeamArtifacts视图的Plans节点上右击Sprint1 (1.0),选择New然后选择 Plan 。
During the first Sprint Planning Meeting, she sat at the back of the room working on email, as the Team completed the task breakdown for a big feature at the top of the Product Backlog.
Grooming activities also take place in the sprint review meeting when the Scrum team and the stakeholders discuss the way forward; new backlog items are identified and old ones are removed.
The process is build a product backlog, plan the sprint, execute and meet daily, demo the work, do a retrospective, and repeat.
她的基本流程就是先建立一个产品“订单” (backlog),做一个“冲刺”(sprint)计划,执行它,每天开会讨论它,定期演示工作成果,对上一阶段工作做反省,接着再重复以上流程。
The process is build a product backlog, plan the sprint, execute and meet daily, demo the work, do a retrospective, and repeat.
她的基本流程就是先建立一个产品“订单” (backlog),做一个“冲刺”(sprint)计划,执行它,每天开会讨论它,定期演示工作成果,对上一阶段工作做反省,接着再重复以上流程。