"The state of public finances is forcing changes in the way research funding is allocated," he says.
“The state of public finances is forcing changes in the way research funding is allocated, ” he says.
THE BAD thing for politicians about good news on the economy is that they can no longer avert their eyes from the state of public finances.
How badly the euro's standing would be hurt by a default would depend on the state of public finances elsewhere: if America were struggling too, the dollar might not seem an attractive bolthole.
There is growing anxiety about the poor state of public finances in Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
There are fewer jitters over the state of Spain's public finances. But normal it ain't.
For the past year investors and credit-rating agencies have been living in a state of suspended disbelief as Britain's public finances have deteriorated vertiginously.
After all, the dire state of the public finances did not persuade Gordon Brown, the prime minister, to embrace the word "cuts" until earlier this month.
But setting out to spend significantly more or tax significantly less would be risky, even if the state of the public finances permitted it.
When he was finance minister, Mr Brown liked to talk about prudence. But the dreadful state of public finances shows how poorly prepared Britain's government was for an economic rainy day.
When he was finance minister, Mr Brown liked to talk about prudence. But the dreadful state of public finances shows how poorly prepared Britain's government was for an economic rainy day.