She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.
Because the woman is an archaeologist, and because the stone wall is her discovery, her eyes see what others might not.
The stone wall bears an inscription.
We couldn't make out the inscription on the stone wall.
The disintegration of the stone wall was caused by erosion.
The Windows are designed as large crevices in the stone wall.
When I looked back, found a stone carved head hanging on the stone wall, so terrified...
Thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins.
The inner face is left open allowing a visual relation with the stone wall during the entire journey.
They stopped once to touch off a volley, and then they ran down to the sunken road behind the stone wall.
One is the greenish metal housing on the walls the other is the stone wall in the other side of the interior.
The monastery is surrounded by the stone wall to which cells warehouses guest homes and other buildings are attached.
The monastery is surrounded by the stone wall to which cells, warehouses, guest homes and other buildings are attached.
The space is finished with white sofas and metal-framed stools, while a pair of black and white prints are propped up on a ledge created by the stone wall.
In fact, when the calcium of the groundwater from the dissolution of crevice encountered carbon dioxide in the air, they formed calcium carbonate on the stone wall.
At the entrance to a Chinese garden, there is usually a huge stone or wall to screen your view.
The wall is built of alternating sections of stone and earth, with some sections reaching a height of up to 4 meters.
He says the works there-which have included shoring up a stone retaining wall and restoring an outdoor stone altar-were not only necessary, but a feat.
The stone is not ordinary. It is not suitable for everyday use, like building a wall, paving steps, carving or washing clothes on.
Only a tiny segment of the Qin wall remains, which was a reinforced earth barrier unlike the imposing stone structure built by the Ming Dynasty some twelve centuries later.
Between running SkyBridge and being dressed down by Mr Obama, he found time to serve as adviser to Oliver Stone, a Hollywood director, in “Money Never Sleeps”, the sequel to “Wall Street”.
After the prayer, Mr. Obama walked a final few paces to the Wall and followed the custom of placing a personal prayer between the stone cracks, with his note left alongside hundreds of others.
Each has the same eye-pleasing composition and carefully rendered characters, whether it's in the Central street market, a Mongkok alleyway or on a stone wall in Kowloon Tong.
Half a mile before the lighthouse itself, there's a car park, and the rest of the route is over a single-track country lane, with a low stone wall on the side closest to the sea.
The sun was just setting. My girlfriend decided to walk toward a stone wall that separated the street from the Arabian Sea, a stone's throw away.
An Angle of the wall being given, with the tension of his back and legs, with his elbows and his heels fitted into the unevenness of the stone, he raised himself as if by magic to the third story.
Once the outer shell was complete, the family made an interior wall from straw bales stacked on dry-stone walling and staked together with hazel sticks.
Once the outer shell was complete, the family made an interior wall from straw bales stacked on dry-stone walling and staked together with hazel sticks.