Arcadio gave a rare display of generosity by decreeing official mourning for Pietro Crespi. úrsula interpreted it as the return of the strayed lamb.
But results show that 32 percent of men have cheated at a wedding, while only 27 percent had strayed at the stag party.
But once the plasmon has strayed from that path-due in part to entropy-making the loop is no longer possible.
Over the past year, it strayed from its "everyday low prices" slogan, the bedrock philosophy of founder and namesake Sam Walton.
He also knew that truth, if strayed from, can be found again, but a forced or blind acceptance of it from the outside effectually bars the way in.
She served her community by harvesting honey for the homeless. She never strayed far from home.
Having said that, looking at the reasons why the person strayed can help piece together what's left of what you had before.
Professor Napier's theory suggests the devastation took place when the Earth strayed into a dense trail of fragments shed by a large comet.
At the end of July, Congo's army captured four Ugandan soldiers who it claimed had illegally strayed across the border that divides Lake Albert.
They worry that he has strayed from the path of fiscal rectitude.
The two children, picked up by some policeman and placed in the refuge, or stolen by some mountebank, or having simply strayed off in that immense Chinese puzzle of a Paris, did not return.
Past winners have said they asked questions that strayed far from the topics that made Buffett famous.
A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others.
The only living being he reserved his affection for was a white terrier that strayed across enemy lines and obeyed him unconditionally.
In April, some flights into Shanghai were briefly diverted to other nearby cities when an unregistered helicopter strayed into the city's airspace.
When the network Banks have strayed too far from their core businesses-for example in consumer finance-their record has been patchy.
Ironically Bigelow's cinematic journey could not have strayed farther from the path of female directors before her.
Maintaining that balance is never easy, and this administration has strayed, but not as often or as damagingly as the Bush team did.
This leads the researchers to suspect that a whitedwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole andwas ripped apart by tidal forces.
How did Utah's Republicans decide that Mr Bennett had strayed from the true path?
The politician talked for so long that she strayed away from her original point.
Debate over the case has strayed beyond property-related issues.
This leads the researchers to suspect that a white dwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole and was ripped apart by tidal forces.
The researchers found that the trajectory of plasmons became increasingly disorganized as they strayed.
The wicked have set a snare for me, but I have not strayed from your precepts.
This week's letter from Mr King was the fourth he has had to write this year as inflation has persistently strayed more than a percentage point above the 2% target.
At one point, when weather finally cleared, an errant cargo ship strayed into the danger zone on the Eastern Range, a patch of restricted waters on the Atlantic Ocean over which rocket launches fly.
At one point, when weather finally cleared, an errant cargo ship strayed into the danger zone on the Eastern Range, a patch of restricted waters on the Atlantic Ocean over which rocket launches fly.