Through media commentary and street protests, mainstream Egyptians have voiced outrage and disgust at the strife.
South African troops are moving into the strife-torn Natal Province where political violence has claimed three hundred lives in the past month.
In this, and in other ways, much of the strife is down to economics.
Indeed, though the weekly death toll goes up and down, the strife is worsening.
Then, because of the strife in the household, Hagar leaves for the second time.
Of the strife and fusion of systems at this time the works of Cicero are the best example.
Through all the tumult and the strife I hear it's music ringing, it sounds an echo in my soul.
Obviously this concerns employers who will want to weed out anyone responsible for the strife.
Southern separatists, meanwhile, tend to see the strife in distant Sana 'a as a power struggle between northern warlords.
Through all the tumult and the strife I hear it's music ringing, It sounds an echo in my soul. How can I keep from singing?
在所有的混乱和冲突中,我听到它的音乐响起,在我灵魂中发出共鸣, 我怎能不唱?。
In the mad struggle for place and power he has no part; the roar of the strife reaches his ear like the distant murmur of the ocean.
Stubborn and stout Tuck wouldn't let Robin have any strawberries, however, so they had to settle the strife over a fight using staffs.
If you desire a peaceful life, but you believe, "life's a struggle!" you will create the strife in which you believe, and not the peace you desire.
The strife between the Niu group and the Li group was a great event during the Late Tang Dynasty. It had a deep impact on all sides of the social life.
On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife, they saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first.
For all the strife, the Jedi Council refused to believe that Dooku was personally responsible for the worst of the conflicts, believing that his Jedi training elevated him above such ACTS.
All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.
The polis straightens out crooked judgments, gentles the swollen ambitions and puts an end to acts of divisional strife.
Their only plan is to plunge the province back into bloody strife.
When troubled by the vexations and strife of the day still the wheels of your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence lodged in your subconscious mind which is ready to respond to you.
For example, if we live in a constant state of strife, which is a spiritual problem, we can fell that strife in the atmosphere.
When troubled by the vexations and strife of the day, still the wheels of your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence lodged in your subconscious mind, which is ready to respond to you.
After centuries of strife, the people of Europe have formed a union of promise and prosperity.
At least one previous study, published in 2009, has claimed a relation between unusually hot years and the risk of civil strife.
At least one previous study, published in 2009, has claimed a relation between unusually hot years and the risk of civil strife.