The summer Olympic games take plays every four years.
Swimming RACES have always been a highlight of the Summer Olympic Games.
The IOC recognised sports that participate in the summer Olympic Games.
FIVE years ago this month London won the right to stage the summer Olympic games in 2012.
The Bird's Nest was where the world came together as one in 2008 for the Summer Olympic Games.
The Asian Games are the second largest sports event in the world after the Summer Olympic Games.
The Summer Olympic games is coming soon, I feel so excited, my father will follow the games and I will company him.
In Rio DE Janeiro, the host city of the Summer Olympic Games, teachers have been on strike for more than three months.
Michael Jordan also won gold MEDALS in 1984 and 1992 representing the United States Basketball Team during the Summer Olympic Games.
Munich hosted the Summer Olympic Games in 1972 and is trying to be the first city to host both Winter and Summer versions of the Games.
The summer Olympic Games brings the world together for two weeks full of sporting events aiming to promote peace and unity among nations.
There is only one event in the world that enables people from over 200 countries and areas to come together, which is the Olympiad or the Summer Olympic Games.
The winter Olympic Games or the Olympic winter Games, are the cold-weather counterpart to the Summer Olympic Games. The feature winter sports held on ice or snow, such as ice skating and skiing.
By this time, there were more than 200,000 cases in Europe, including 1,000 deaths, as well as 1,000 cases in the US. On March 24, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, announced the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, which were planned to be held in Tokyo, would be delayed until the following year in the interest of protecting pubic safety.
The first Olympic medal for the Soviet Union was won by Belarusian Mikhail Krivonosov at the 1956 Summer Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
苏联队的第一块奖牌是由白俄罗斯运动员Mikhail Krivonosov在1956年澳大利亚墨尔本举行的夏季奥运会上获得的。
Shanghai also ranks as only the world's seventh tallest city, while Beijing's extreme makeover ahead of this year's summer Olympic Games gave it power to boast at having China's most iconic buildings.
While the world ponders the legacy of the Beijing games, the Olympic flag has been handed over to London where the hard work is underway in preparation for the 2012 summer games.
Next summer it will host the Olympic games; Mr Yates, as head of counter-terrorism, was a key figure in preparing for them.
Athens will host the 28th Summer Olympic Games in 2004.
The mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure.
On 8-8-08 the 2008 Summer Olympic Games will officially kick off in Beijing, China. This event always amazes me in its unique ability to bring together people from all walks of life across the world.
2008年8月8日夏季奥林匹克运动会将正式在中国北京开幕,奥林匹克圣会总能是来自全球各地的人们聚在一起, 这点总是使我感到很吃惊,这是一个非常好的机会让我们观看这些伟大运动选手们的非凡表演。
Adam: When the Olympic Games started in modern times, only summer events were included.
Adam: When the Olympic Games started in modern times, only summer events were included.