His management style is well illustrated by his famous summing up at the end of a GM senior executive meeting.
The meeting heard the work of summing up the laboratory in 2009 and 2010 work plan report.
During the last summing-up meeting, experts fully affirmed Seagal production strength, system construction and standard management as well as many other aspects.
It is revealed at May Day holiday summing-up meeting by Hengqin government that the number of tourists and tourist taking-in achieved a two-digit growth.
记者从横琴区召开的“五一 黄金 周”旅游工作总结会上了解到, 黄金 周期间,横琴接待游客人数及旅游收入都有突破性的双位数增长。
It is revealed at May Day holiday summing-up meeting by Hengqin government that the number of tourists and tourist taking-in achieved a two-digit growth.
记者从横琴区召开的“五一 黄金 周”旅游工作总结会上了解到, 黄金 周期间,横琴接待游客人数及旅游收入都有突破性的双位数增长。