Now it's becoming evening time over 4 Minnesota where my wife lives, Rosa, the sun is going down.
The sunset in my hometown is so beautiful, when it comes to five o 'clock in the afternoon, the sun is going down, then the sunset becomes very big and red.
Next morning, the Malaysian sun is blazing down and even at 10am, the short walk to the Petronas Towers in the financial district is hard going.
I'm told that every night when the sun goes down, somewhere in the world the curtain is going up on the stage play made from Anne's diary.
At sunset, the sun looks as if it is going down.
The laborer's day ends with the going down of the sun, and he is then free to devote himself to his chosen pursuit, independent of his labor;
Thee setting sun is going to down the mountain, we reluctantly bade farewell, "too grandma, we come to see you again next time."
夕阳快要下山了,我们依依不舍地告别, ,“太奶奶,我们下次再来看您。”
Thee setting sun is going to down the mountain, we reluctantly bade farewell, "too grandma, we come to see you again next time."
夕阳快要下山了,我们依依不舍地告别, ,“太奶奶,我们下次再来看您。”