The survivor was adrift on a raft for six days.
Even after so many hours, the firemen said they didn\'t know the survivor\'s name.
Upon awakening, they find themselves chained up, with the survivor about to kill them for food.
He will always be the survivor who walked away from one of the most poignant tragedies in history.
Doctors say the survivor, 27 - year - old Randal McCloy, is suffering from dehydration and is sedated.
Initial reports mentioned a five-year old boy, but later ones identified the survivor as a 14-year-old girl.
“He was the survivor, ” Mr. Ornstein continued. “He was not a shining star that burned brightly and faded away.
What has not been known until now is whether such a loss in the first few months has any effect on the survivor.
In theory, this means that half of the nursery space (that is, the survivor space) is unused at any point in time.
That Mr Lewis's institution was the survivor was a twist of fate; that the survivor came from a southern state was not.
When the earthquake struck on Monday afternoon, Sun said, the survivor must have been in a corridor by a stairwell.
What was surprising was that the wood of the survivor tree's rings had only 2.3 micrograms of mercury per kilogram in it.
However, as a result of receiving comments such as these, the survivor may feel discounted, not understood, or more alone.
The Survivor is a 1981 movie starring Robert Powell and Jenny Agutter, based on a novel of the same name by James Herbert.
Workers may become over involved and do too much for the survivor. This is usually not in the best interest of the survivor.
The survivor repeats the memorized events over and over and slowly but regularly they lose their capacity to inflict anxiety and pain.
It was like the pre-battle gathering, no one will know who will be the survivor. Even though, it was not a lucky thing to stay on too.
Final, the author discusses Tai Yi Greats Water and the Zhou Yi of Laozi to study between relation, and it may be the survivor of Laozi.
The phrase "You're Fired!" has become commonplace and the Survivor model of reality TV competition has since been duplicated numerous times.
“You're Fired!” 早已成为大家津津乐道的口头禅,而真人秀市场的激烈竞争早已打响无数次。
The human desire to try to fix the survivor's painful situation or make the survivor feel better often underlies the preceding "Don't say" list.
It features all the changes from the Hard mode, including longer nights, even stronger enemies, and lesser reliance on the Survivor Sense and minimap.
Obviously, I had made a mistake: there was a living soul between Del Rio and El Paso, one only mosquito, The Survivor, just beside me, around me, on me, zzzzz.
SMU module adopts the clock-gating method was applied to the survivor path storage block, reduce the survivor path storage memory power dissipation effectively.
The survivor had been working as a cashier in the hotel when the building collapsed, forcing him to dive under a desk. He said he subsisted largely on cola, beer and cookies.
Positive coping actions are those that help to reduce anxiety, lessen other distressing reactions, and improve the situation in a way that does not harm the survivor further.
The need to sort out the mental health status of the survivor will facilitate the triage work and assist in the decision for referral if long-term professional services are needed.
A minor collection will copy live objects from Eden and one of the survivor semi-spaces into the other survivor space, potentially promoting some objects to the older generation.
A minor collection will copy live objects from Eden and one of the survivor semi-spaces into the other survivor space, potentially promoting some objects to the older generation.