One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take them—things always look different when you put them on.
You do this with the swap command (see Listing 7) in AIX.
Under the swap agreement, Jakarta could instead turn to yuan.
You should then see the swap assigned to your VDISK, as shown in Figure 2 below.
It spent most of its time waiting for the swap disk, thrashing like Emacs on a VAX.
Mr Netanyahu cited regional turmoil as the reason for agreeing to the swap right now.
This simple macro (Listing 4) implements the swap by introducing a new temporary variable.
The swap space is not shown as a part of the file system, but is handled by the kernel.
Opponents also warn that the swap will encourage more kidnappings of Israeli soldiers.
Yet while the swap arrangements do not signal full convertibility, they are an important step in that direction.
Surprisingly, stability, processor type, and number of cores weren't mentioned as motivating factors in the swap.
The IBM developerWorks article " Maximum swappage" can help you to improve the swap performance on your Linux server.
IBMdeveloperWorks文章“Maximum swappage”可以帮助您提高Linux 服务器的交换分区的性能。
To delete additional swap, you can use the corresponding swapoff or swap -d command to disable the swap partition.
若要删除额外的交换空间,您可以使用对应的swapoff或swap- d命令来禁用该交换分区。
Iran backed out of this deal, demanding higher-enriched uranium immediately, and insisting the swap take place in Iran.
No matter what the original gift was, or what the alternative is, people, irrationally, are reluctant to make the swap.
So A gets 1, B gets 2, now the swap function itself starts executing line by line; so I declare a chunk of memory called temp.
Try to save your work using different filenames, restart GIMP and check the location of the swap directory in your Preferences.
Under Solaris, the swap tool provides most of the swap interface functionality, including reporting usage and available devices.
For a Windows system image, the option -rm-win-swap-hib saves backup and restore time by excluding the swap and hibernation files.
对于Windows系统映像,- rm - win -swap - hib选项非常有助于保存备份和恢复时间,它的做法是排除swap和hibernation文件。
After the swap, Sacramento's fortunes changed almost immediately, and they would make the Playoffs in each of the next eight seasons.
This action will restore the last set of swapped images to their previos source files. Use only after applying the Swap Image action.
Those who buy protection could make substantial profits if the companygets into trouble, since the value of the swap will rise sharply.
The swap-out of Kopra, who was injured while biking on Saturday, with Bowen was the second crew personnel issue NASA faced in as many weeks.
Kopra被Bowen替换是因为他在周六骑自行车时受伤。 这种因宇航员个人原因导致美国宇航局换人已经是数周内的第二次。
But if the other side of the swap is taken by a hedge fund whose finances are dependent on loans from that same bank, has risk really been transferred?
These are trial schemes that have yet to start, and it is still unclear how they will differ in practice from the swap agreements already in place.
To add the swap space permanently to your system, you must configure one of the boot configuration files to enable the swap allocation automatically.
You do this with the swap command (see Listing 6) in AIX 7 or by using the individual MKPS and CHPS commands create paging space with logical partitions.
The swap market in Hong Kong plays an important role in channelling funds. it is also a highly efficient indicator of confidence in the linked exchange rate.
The swap market in Hong Kong plays an important role in channelling funds. it is also a highly efficient indicator of confidence in the linked exchange rate.