The Swiss National Bank (SNB) intervened to try to drive down the franc in 2009.
Rarely have they acted as aggressively as the Swiss National Bank (SNB) did on September 6th.
The Bank of Japan has bought equities and the Swiss National Bank has intervened in the currency markets.
Having cut its rates to zero, the Swiss National Bank has bought foreign currency to drive down the Swiss franc.
Thus far, the ECB has offered liquidity to the Swiss National bank and the Danish and Hungarian central Banks.
While some argue that the Swiss National Bank (SNB) will have to step in, others believe it is powerless to dampen demand.
The Swiss franc is up against all main currencies, prompting the Swiss National Bank to cut interest rates almost to zero on August 3rd;
This is a very difficult situation for the Swiss National Bank, as it does not want the Swiss exporting companies to lose their markets.
The European Central Bank is acting with the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank.
In addition, it entered into a swap agreement with the Swiss National bank to facilitate the distribution of Swiss franc liquidity to euro area Banks.
The dollar also fell against the Swiss franc, a traditional safe haven, until the Swiss National Bank intervened in the market to bolster the American currency.
For the second time within a week the Swiss National Bank intervened in the currency market to halt the franc's appreciation, which threatens Swiss exports.
The Swiss National bank, for instance, has been among the keenest on coordinated action, in part because of the problems afflicting UBS AG, one of two major Swiss Banks.
举例来说,瑞士央行在采取联合行动方面一直表现得非常积极,部分原因就是瑞士两大银行之一的瑞士银行(UBS AG)在危机中受到了冲击。
In addition, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank will continue to offer three-month tenders until further notice.
Elsewhere in Europe, the Swiss National bank is agitating to share oversight of Credit Suisse and UBS, Switzerland's two biggest Banks, with the country's banking supervisor.
Elsewhere in Europe, the Swiss National bank is agitating to share oversight of, Credit Suisse and UBS Switzerland's two biggest Banks, with the country's banking supervisor.
What the term auction facility it was also created in connection in collaboration with the Bank of Canada the Bank of England the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank.
The national bank vowed to intervene in the currency markets in order to prevent the Swiss franc from appreciating further against the euro.
Oct. 13: Fed again expands its currency swaps with the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank.
It also sets up foreign exchange swap lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank for up to six months.
It also sets up foreign exchange swap lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank for up to six months.