But more and more people regard it as gift to others and some others buy it to show their wealth, or take it as the symbol of status.
People can't resist the temptation to buy and update electronic products because they serve as a symbol of wealth and social status.
Horned herds are a status symbol, a way of storing wealth in a land without a banking system, and the main currency in which dowries are paid.
There are executives and managers who are blithely offering the gift of smartphones to their employees, and in some companies it's seen as a reward, and a status symbol.
Soon, clothes became a symbol of status - the more powerful you were the more able you were to have better clothes made for you.
In Brazil whisky is a status symbol for the growing middle class (in the North-East of the country it is often drunk with coconut water over ice).
On the island of Fiji, they were worn on a necklace by a chieftain as a symbol of status and rank.
Depending on the nature of the product, it may be the product itself, the solution that it provides, the status symbol of ownership and so on.
Typically, purple is associated with royalty and wealth – an inheritance from the past where it was used as a symbol of status in society.
On the island of Fiji, they were worn on a necklace by a chieftain as a symbol of status and rank.
Four decades after his death, the visage of Che Guevara survives him as a symbol of passion, idealism, and restless discontent with the status quo. In fact, as time passes, his celebrity grows.
Dress, as the symbol of social identity and status, plays an significant role in human kind's life at all times.
But the scarcity and reputation for fearlessness, ferocity and faithfulness of the Tibetan mastiff have transformed them into a status symbol for China's new very rich.
Undoubtedly, the McDonald's fast food is ordinary shop, usually working class, high-speed roads and drivers patronize establishments, and far from being a symbol of social status.
All in all, this study of Chinese slogan of the status quo and to improve the language symbol system, optimizing the dissemination of results outside slogans provide a reference.
The number of morrts feeding on a Gamorrean is a symbol of status among males.
The Statue of Liberty's status as a steadfast symbol of freedom has remained steady for quite some time now.
I know some people "collect" Facebook friends as some sort of popularity status symbol, but what's the point really?
The Mulberry bag is still a very smart bag but something that every middle class woman of a certain age owns. It's a status symbol.
For the office of professional women, a symbol of status and temperament has been the product of choice for diamond earrings.
Rome Statute is a symbol of appreciating the status of the individual liability, also an integral presentation of internal and international individual criminal liability.
For moguls or celebrities, however, the rare commodity of a Manhattan parking space inside their building, with a curb cut at the street, is a huge status symbol and selling point.
Rosewood, wood in Need, from a long time ago that the rich highlight an important symbol of status.
At the same time, demand has soared thanks to growing ranks of the mega-rich, for whom a collection of fine wine can be the ultimate status symbol.
Which brings us to the scarcity of this in-demand status symbol.
Which brings us to the scarcity of this in-demand status symbol.