On the basis of this ideal, the Taoist school formulated the management spirit of wuwei erzhi (to govern without exertion).
The Huang-Lao school was a sect of the Taoist school.
The Taoist School was a philosophical sect during the early Qin Dynasty.
Confucian school advocated that Heaven and the Earth are in harmony, while the Taoist school held that Nature is in harmony.
Both the controlling Confucian school and Legalists and the Taoist school that influence Chinese traditional culture a lot pursued an ideal of non-litigation.
The physical educational aesthetic ideology of the Taoist school pays attention to the life and the nature, as well as pursues the beautiful patterns received from exceeding.
The historians of philosophy have long differed in their appraisal of the Taoist school, and even more so with regard to its relationship with the history of science in China.
Taoist School looked water as the means leading to "Tao".
Explaining Position is Confucianism works assimilating the thought of Law school and Taoist school rather than"undoubtedly fall into the Law school of Qi".
There isn′t the concept of "self" in Chinese Classical Taoist School, but there are abundant thoughts of self.
Mount Wudang Taoist Academy is sponsored by the Taoist Association in Hubei Province, Wudang Taoist Association, hosted by a three-year post-secondary school of Taoism.
Laozi is one of the main works of the School of Taoist School; its production enriches our country's traditional culture and stock house of thoughts.
The scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasty valued the beauty of natural scenery, and therefore made up for the weakness of ideal personality viewpoint hold since the Qin Dynasty by Taoist school.
Taoist school maitain the opinion of the same to everything in the world as well as life and death.
In the thought of Taoist school represented by Lao Zhuang, the philosophy of life is in the core.
Getting rid of the position and wealth and pursuing the free thought on spirit of Taoist school, has formed the modeling theory foundation of the folk fine arts in the Yellow River Basin.
Taiji of Yi School, Gods will of Confucian School, Tao of Taoist School, and Emptiness of Buddhist School displays an overall picture of the living principles of creatures in universe.
The educational thought of Taoist school has profound referential meanings to modern education.
From tea ceremony of Japan from when transforming into, much tea Taoist school monk tea people, The tea ceremony has meaning which Buddhists paid attention to.
The influence to the books of life from the thought of Taoist School is long and in many ways.
There is a source relation between the theory of art vitality and vigour in Chinese classical aesthetics and Taoist school and Chan sect philosophy.
Taoist school is an influential academic school that has greatly affected Chinese culture and the world culture at large, and will remain its influence in the future.
On account of his life experience and the vital consciousness from Confucian school and Taoist school, SIMA-Qian carried for-ward the idealistic pursuit exceed social efficacy and interest.
We can realize that the deep reasons of his resign are the sad situation after a failure of the Song imperial house, the experience of live, and the comprehension of the culture of Taoist school.
The culture of Taoist School has not only profound influence upon China traditional art, but also upon modern art, which can be found everywhere.
The second part has chosen Zhuangzi to analyze different attitudes towards ways of life, such as Taoist school"s "living as recluse".
The poets of Huajian School were enlightened by the tales of Taoist culture, which set the poets to fly their imagination, thus adding touches of gaudiness and discernible beauty to Hua-jan Ci.
The poets of Huajian School were enlightened by the tales of Taoist culture, which set the poets to fly their imagination, thus adding touches of gaudiness and discernible beauty to Hua-jan Ci.