The result indicates some characteristics of the tectonic stress field of subareas in Shanxi.
The tectonic stress field is of great importance to the oil and gas migration and accumulation.
Both water storage and level variation have not influenced the tectonic stress field in the study area obviously.
They are the reflection of adjustment and variations of the contemporary tectonic movement and the tectonic stress field.
Inversion of the conjugate joints and striation is used to study orientation and timing of the tectonic stress field and define the stages of the field.
This paper makes a study on the tectonic stress field by insitu stress measurements using hollow inclusion technique in overcoring in Xishimon iron mine.
Under the same conditions of structural-material complex, fracture system, and mining scale, the ground damage degree is related to the tectonic stress field.
From the anomalous time and latitude determinations and the variation of ground water level, one may notice some regularities of the change of the tectonic stress field.
The broken test of loess showed that the tectonic stress field of Fen-Wei basin was the controlling factor to ground fissures, and other factors were additional factors.
The paper also explored the effects of the tectonic stress field and separated the individual role of the gravity stress and the tectonic stress from in - situ shess field.
A three-dimensional finite element model was constituted to simulate the yield process of the macro-horizontal jamb in the tectonic stress field caused by continuous mining.
We have studied synthetically the tectonic stress field in the Three Gorges and its adjacent area by use of data of crustal deformation, focal mechanism and borehole stress observation.
Basing upon the data of geological and seismological observations and crustal deformation this paper deals mainly with the characteristics of the tectonic stress field in China since Late Tertiary.
The tectonic phenomena happened in the Cenozoic are caused by both of the continuity of the Mesozoic tectonic processes and the complexity of Cenozoic stress field.
The results show that distribution of gravity stress is complex, and tectonic stress field exists in shallow layers of the earth crust.
Some of the stress fields obtained from earthquake mechanism according to double couple model of earthquake represent tectonic stress field, but some of them represent the transformed stress field.
There exist a complex brittle fracture system and a tectonic stress field within 2000 m of the main hole.
The variation law of geostresses with depth in gravitational stress field and tectonic stress field is analyzed.
According to the analysis of shallow earthquake in Beipiao mining area, the author conclude that modern tectonic stress field plays dominant role in occurrence of geo-dynamic disaster.
The main controlling factors of intraplate earthquakes are the regional tectonic stress field and the special conditions for the seismogenic structures.
Present tectonic stress field is one of the most important factors to evaluate regional stability in project areas especially in construction of large - scale hydroelectric projects.
Based on it, the elastic wave velocity spatial distribution around a cased hole in tectonic stress field is studied by applying the velocity-stress formula of equivalent medium model.
The research shows that the latter tectonic stress field controlled the origin and distribution of interlayer fracture zones, transverse interlayer anticlines and underground openings.
The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.
Based on the field analysis of deformation and stress field inversion from fault slip data, the formation and tectonic evolution history of the Liupanshan basin has been preliminarily established.
The modern tectonic stress field on the eastern side of the Tanlu fault is regionally very stable.
The numerical simulation of tectonic stress field is a important part of geologic-dynamic area distribution method.
The active tectonic pattern and recent stress state in the seismic region of NW Yunnan province are discussed on the basis of field observation and in-situ stress measurements.
The contemporary tectonic stress field inherites the one in Late Pleistocene.
The strain state of the emplaced magma is shown by ellipsoid parameters, and distribution of stress field of the magma reflects the ways of emplacement and tectonic environment.
从磁化率椭球参数可以看出岩浆侵位的应变状态; 岩浆应力场分布体现了岩浆侵位方式及其所处构造环境。