After the test run is done, obtain a buffer pool snapshot as follows.
The next column shows the number of times that line is executed during the test run.
Here you will see the URL encoded query value that was actually used in the test run.
Defects can be created from different places at different stages during the test run.
This view also includes verdicts, which indicate the overall result of the test run.
The time is recorded for each individual operation and averaged at the end of the test run.
You should see one dot for each test method, and OK (1 test) at the end of the test run.
每个测试方法应该都有一个点,并且在运行完成后会显示OK (1test)。
Or enter values of your choice for Start Time and End Time from within the test run duration.
Show the test run details by selecting the Events TAB at the bottom of the execution history.
Therefore, you must check this file after each scenario is executed as well as during the test run.
If you want to add data to the test run, you can add attachments or comments to the test run itself.
Where I used to print the test run name, I now use a variable tag to build a new file name for the HTML.
Alternatively, you can also define your own time range in the test run by specifying start and end times.
The gateway flow monitor and tactics route system has passed the test run and reached the anticipated result.
If activity of any system component is increasing throughout the test run, the system has not reached steady state.
Common properties include the start and stop times, the verdict for the test run, the type of test suite, and so on.
That will tell the script to match bytes and you will get three lines instead of two from the test run in 7_out.txt.
这会告诉脚本按照字节进行匹配,这样您就会看到3行输出,而不是7_out . txt中那样的两行输出。
The test run result shows that the operation of the hot test unit was good, and the requirement of design was realized.
The operating problems in the test run were pointed out for the high oil content and low biodegradability of wastewater.
The test run folder has the same name as the test run, as displayed in the test Results window and the test Runs window.
Data generation and database deployment changes are applied at the start of the test run, before any scripts are executed.
Lines that are highlighted light blue were exercised in the test run, and lines that are highlighted reddish brown were not.
In the test run we just performed, you saw grid View, where you can get an overall sense of how the grid application is executing.
If these methods are defined, they will take a finite amount of time to complete, and then the first test in the test run starts.
But for larger changes, especially those that will have a direct impact on conversions, you'll want to let the test run for longer.
In this file you can see code highlighting. Lines highlighted green were exercised in the test run, and lines highlighted red were not.
After I print the message, I use the XSL: result-document tag to create the new file, with some HTML that gives the name of the test run.
打印完这些消息之后,我使用xsl:result - document标签创建新文件,用HTML说明运行的测试名。
On many occasions I have seen someone try to test a feature when suddenly a new version is pushed to the staging server, spoiling the test run.
The custom code in SAMPLE_VAR2 will sequentially go through the defined array during the test run, restarting when at the end of the values.
To delegate the test run to three remote machines, it is preferable to create three user groups, with each assigned to run on one remote machine.