The theory of speech acts provided by John Rogers Searle, modern American philosopher, has had some influence in Anglo American area of analytical philosophy.
He advocates the shift from history of ideas to history of concept, and inspects the concepts carefully which changes constantly in the history of thought by the theory of speech acts.
Although some researchers put forward that discourse also has the characteristics of speech ACTS, the application of speech act Theory to discourse analysis is still rare.
Under the guidance of speech ACTS theory, this dissertation gives a full and systematic discussion of Chinese directives and imperatives.
The paper analyzes the speech acts performed by the shift of person deixis and vocatives by linking the pragmatic theory of speech acts.
Constructive translatology has such theoretical bases as practical philosophy, communicative reason, consensus theory, and theory of speech ACTS, in which communicative theory impenetrate all the way.
The theory background of the article includes elements of semeiology, theory of speech acts and Richard Mervyn Hare's theory of the Language of Morals.
Part four explicates the importance of context under the direction of Van Fraaseen's pragmatics of explanation, and accounts that explaining is a speech act according to theory of speech acts.
Part four explicates the importance of context under the direction of Van Fraaseen's pragmatics of explanation, and accounts that explaining is a speech act according to theory of speech acts.