And we have one theory, m theory or string theory, suggests that the constants of nature are pegged to fields that can vary across space in time.
Just how many hidden dimensions exist depends on the theory, but some versions of the popular string theory for example, postulate we live in a 10 - or 11-dimensional universe.
So if OPERA's results hold up, they could provide support for the existence of sterile neutrinos, extra dimensions and perhaps string theory.
Some string theorists think the extra dimensions of space-time, which are predicted in string theory, may take this shape.
A new study says string theory can be tested by observing the behavior of entangled quantum particles.
Even today, while we've witnessed stupendous progress and the resolution of problems many thought beyond reach, a final assessment of string theory remains elusive.
But string theory has been around for decades without delivering the goods, and that failure has encouraged the protagonists of an alternative explanation to push themselves forward.
In a nutshell, string theory attempts to reconcile a mathematical conflict between two already accepted ideas in physics: quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.
These cosmic strings are predicted by most models of the universe, such as the string theory wherein two kinds of “strings” are unrelated.
String theory smooths out the mathematical inconsistencies that currently exist between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.
A new study says string theory can be tested by observing the behavior of entangled quantum particles. Wikipedia.
Three decades of effort have been expended on string theory, which includes gravity but at the expense of having the universe inelegantly sprout hidden dimensions.
But in recent years, it has emerged as one of the hottest new fields in biology, similar to string theory in physics or the search for extraterrestrial life in astronomy.
He had campaigned to keep string theorists out of the Harvard physics department and when it embraced string theory, he left.
String theory elegantly reconciles the otherwise competing rules of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Greene thinks the key to understanding these multiverses comes from string theory, the area of physics he has studied for the past 25 years.
The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string.
In spite of a present lack of such evidence, Jackson is confident string theory will weather the storm.
In theory, strncpy (3) is the safe replacement for strcpy (3), but strncpy (3) also fills the entire destination with NULs once the end of the source string has been met.
His talk will focus on M-theory, a broad mathematical framework that encompasses string theory, which is regarded by many physicists as the best hope yet of developing a theory of everything.
The goal is to discuss, using mathematical language, a number of basic notions and results of QFT that are necessary to understand talks and papers in QFT and String Theory.
An action they took with no thought or regard to how it would affect me, the future of string theory or my Lego fun time.
The tinny invisible strings of string theory were supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the universe.
In the recent year, more and more physical problems on the noncommutative background are regarded as important for people with the study of the quantum Hull Effect and the string theory.
It was an exhilarating period leading some to proclaim naively that the insights of string theory would be so sweeping that the end of physics was near.
那时有一些天真的看法, 认为弦理论是如 此的包容一切,以至于物理学的终点快要临近了。
There is no obvious reason why the insanely complex mathematics underlying string theory can also be used to predict the behavior of entangled quantum systems.
Dynamic vibration equation of drilling string is established based on the theory of dynamics.
Dynamic vibration equation of drilling string is established based on the theory of dynamics.