When the third order dispersion effect exists, the more time delay difference is produced and the dispersion waves are produced at both the front and back edge of the pulse.
The enhanced compression of fundamental femtosecond solitons can be obtained by combined effects of negative third order dispersion and Raman self scattering in the fibers.
The effects of group-velocity mismatch and dispersion, third-order nonlinear phase modulation on pulse shape, spectrum distribution and conversion efficiency of second-harmonic pulse were discussed.
It is found that the numerical dissipation is second order and the numerical dispersion is third order.
The large value of third order dispersion parameter, the more evident the compression effect.
The analytic expression is derived by taking into account the third-order dispersion as an initial chirped Gaussian optical pulse propagates along the single-mode.
However, third-order dispersion (TOD) will affect the stability of soliton propagation when the wavelength of signal is in the zero dispersion wavelength regions.
The third-order dispersion, delayed Raman response and self-steepening are three most important high order effects.
The electronic structure, UV-visible spectrum, nonlinear third-order optical susceptibility and its dispersion of zinc phthalocyanine(ZnPc)were studied by using INDO/SDCI method.
The influence of the third-order dispersion on the propagation properties of optical gaussian-shaped pulses in optical fibers is discussed.
The effect of third-order dispersion can be significantly suppressed if third-order dispersion of th…
The results show that the third-order dispersion generates distortion to the optical pulse shape with an unsymmetrical structure at the front or back edge.
The results show that the third-order dispersion generates distortion to the optical pulse shape with an unsymmetrical structure at the front or back edge.