Yet traveling to many people, especially to those of the third world countries, is still a luxury.
Behind the curtain was IMF and world Bank, which collects the money and lend it to the third world countries.
On other extreme we have developers who think testing is best left for the monkeys from the Third World countries.
China will never seek to be a superpower, to bully others and will be forever sided with the third world countries.
What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the Third World countries?
The Third World countries will resist the imperialist menace only if they find a way to assure their prosperity and safeguard their liberty.
Unless, of course, you are from one of the third world countries in which they have set up shop, in which case you will only be making 10% of any amount you gross.
The organization promotes public health programs and the exchange of medical knowledge. It is especially dedicated to improving the quality of medical care in the Third World countries.
In the international relationship, the theory of dependence has already been widely criticized and discarded by the Third World countries. But now it has found a new market in the Gulf area.
The massive debt burden of the Third World has become a crucial issue for many leaders of poorer countries.
Most advanced countries of the world today have a corporate profits tax rate for large corporations of about a third.
In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged Third World countries to undertake sweeping reforms.
China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries.
Many live in countries, like Brazil and India, that seem to have escaped from the third world.
They accused the West of dumping out-of-date medicines on Third World countries.
Because almost all coffee is grown in third world countries with less stringent laws than Europe or the United States, your non-organic cuppa is probably laden with chemicals.
The third area was to discuss with my Chinese colleagues about cooperation between China and the World Bank in dealing with third countries.
WHILE much of the world is still rolling out the third generation (3G) of mobile networks, some countries have already moved on to the fourth (4G).
The Soviet Union believed that the countries in its sphere of influence, which it expected would include all Third World nations, would stay home.
I never realized the full extent of her seemingly "nagging" phrase until I actually saw children dying of starvation in third-world countries.
But let's just briefly look at what is happening in the Third World, a group of countries that is immensely populous but immensely poor.
就让我们简单地看看第三世界国家都在发生些什么吧- - -那是一些人口剧多而又极端贫困的国家!
Professor Kinski, Department of Slavic Philology and member of The Third-World Countries Literature Center at City Library.
"The latrine was of the same design as we use in third world countries — a dry latrine — and we formed the longest queue this morning," UNICEF spokesman Benoit Melebeck said.
Bangladesh, the third-largest borrower of funds from the Bank's concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
The reason is not so much the sheer numbers, though 40,000 babies die of starvation each day in Third World countries, but the reckless way in which humanity has treated its planetary host.
当然,也不是这么绝对--每天有4万第三世界的新生儿,死于饥饿。 我们就这样鲁莽的对待自己的家园,就像潘多拉魔盒里飞出的恶魔。
Stealth only works in third world countries where they lack the sophisticated radar and technology that can detect them.
Stealth only works in third world countries where they lack the sophisticated radar and technology that can detect them.