Those studying abroad will most likely return home for jobs because of the tight job market, Tang said.
Even with the gains, Sum says teens will continue to lose as they compete with older workers amid the tight job market.
"It may be the tight job market, but we've been receiving more and more letters responding to a specific job from candidates who are not at all qualified for it," she says.
"No one will deny the fact that the job market is tight for those without prior experience," notes Dr. Potter.
In a tight job market employers can usually get exactly the type of candidate they want.
LL: That's a tough call. Tom is doing everything he can to get a new job, but the job market is really tight now.
In a tight job market, building and maintaining an online presence is critical to networking and job hunting. Done wrong, it can easily take you out of the running for most positions.
In a tight job market, building and maintaining an online presence is critical to networking and job hunting. Done wrong, it can easily take you out of the running for most positions.