Some coordinate the time axis to ensure Chinese subtitles synchronize with the soundtracks.
A certain time window with a fixed width is set and moved along the time axis of a signal.
The fade-in and fade-out acoustic signals compacted and expanded on the time axis are cross fade processed.
Click Finish and the report refreshes, zooming the time axis to show data only from the specified time range.
Video object segmentation aims to partition an image sequence into moving objects and to track the evolution of the moving objects along the time axis.
In addition to the above, the bronze aware as the research object refers to that of not only the Xia, Shang, and Zhou period from the time axis, but also the initial stages to the Han dynasty.
The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun.
The horizontal axis represents time and shows the lifecycle aspects of the process.
So any time you have two atoms bonding, the bond axis is just the axis that they're bonding along.
What would happen if the coincidence of Einstein's time progress axis with one spatial dimension of these flat 2-D-spaces around us would get slowly lost?
Now I will give you not only the positions-- as I did here on the x axis - at discrete moments in time-- but I'm going to tell you exactly where the object is at any moment in time.
Since Earth’s rotation rate varies, so would the value of one second when it’s defined as a fraction of the time it takes for one spin of the Earth on its axis.
The vertical axis represents time in sequence diagrams, but the timing diagram USES the horizontal axis to represent time.
With our pooled 20 percent time, we slowly turned the organization on its axis and made developer testing a common part of the development practice.
The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.
The X-axis is time, the left Y-axis is response time in seconds, and the right Y-axis is the number of user connections.
Time labels the vertical axis of the above plot, and frequency marks the horizontal axis.
AXIS was primarily designed for JAX-RPC and, for the time being, it only implements a subset of JAXM.
AXIS主要是为JAX - RPC设计的,到目前为止只实现了JAXM的一个子集。
By default, time (the units on the X-axis) is shown in seconds.
Overall CXF, as well as other frameworks such as Axis, have done a good job at driving down the transaction time to the bare minimum of overhead over the level of marshaling.
The Axis web service needs information at run time that is provided by the deploy.wsdd file to tell it the name of the service end-point and how to publish it as a web service.
AxisWeb服务运行时需要deploy .wsdd文件提供的信息,以确定服务端点的名称和将其作为Web服务发布的方式。
The y-axis represents the elapsed time taken for the transaction in milliseconds.
y 轴表示事务所需时间,以毫秒为单位。
The y-axis represents to the elapsed time taken for the transaction in milliseconds.
y 轴表示事务所需时间,以毫秒为单位。
The deploy.wsdd file is sent to the Axis server where it will use this information for introspection of the web service and create the required information for the web service run-time.
This will allow you to avoid the previous step each time the Axis engine is started but may not work if the versions of the Axis engine are different between packaging and deployment.
这样将避免在每次启动Axis引擎时执行前述步骤,但是,如果打包和部署所使用的 Axis 引擎版本不同,Axis 引擎可能无法正常工作。
The Y axis shows the total number of transactions, the number of failed transactions, that is, transactions that encountered Web service failures, and the average response time in milliseconds.
The web service is deployed on the Axis server one time (during the installation of the application).
This implies that the disturbance increases with distance along the axis of the swirling flow, but it does not grow with time.
This implies that the disturbance increases with distance along the axis of the swirling flow, but it does not grow with time.