Eliot, a man fascinated by the "presence" of the past, wrote the most innovative poetry of his time.
By the time I returned, the van was past the intersection, part way up the next block, and the movers were already unloading it.
Conferencing tools have been around for a long time now, but in the past they have suffered by requiring everyone attending the conference to have the same software installed on their computers.
Imagine the amount of time you can save by simply avoiding some of the errors others have made in the past.
By the time everyone else had taken three to five minutes, it was past ten o 'clock.
By the time the two former lovers are shyly reminiscing about Paris, sitting in a cafe and summoning the past as if it were a dream, you’re deep in it with them — and not yet at the 35-minute mark.
But, by the same token, we can share in the elation of songs of joy and happiness, or any song or piece of music that reminds us of a particular happy time in our past.
ANSWER: This paradox is explained by God being outside of time-he knows the future just like he knows the past and the present.
By trying Mr Demjanjuk Germany hopes to show that time has not blunted its zeal for an honest reckoning with the past.
I have been haunted by my past for a very long time, and actually that's a recurring theme on the album.
A survey released by the central bank in December showed consumers more concerned about prices than at any time in the past decade.
Today, let us take the time to celebrate achievements made for and by women over the past century.
"Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past," he argued.
And, indeed, over the past century Americans have reduced their average nightly sleep time by more than 20 percent — wearing the dark circles under their eyes like badges of honor.
New studies by Pew Research show the divorce rate has declined over the past 20 years, but at the same time, fewer people are getting married.
Over the past few weeks, this fact has been reported time and time again by analysts, bloggers, and even mainstream media.
But that should not stop a celebration of the progress that has been made over the past decade, during which time deaths from malaria have fallen by 20% (see chart).
But this time around, the boom was twice as long and prices rose by more than twice as much as during past upturns.
For the past seven years, this German set-up has been looking for gravitational waves - ripples in space-time thrown off by super-dense astronomical objects such as neutron stars and black holes.
It's been an eventful time, even by the standards set in the past couple of years.
By the time you've thought it through, you're probably past yelling at your mom, which is a knee-jerk response.
In the past, it was frequently revealed by the media that civil servants played computer games or Mahjong in work time. Worse still, some civil servants showed a terrible attitude to people.
If you've made mistakes in the past, it's time to let your spirit heal by forgiving yourself.
But by the time the image reaches the eyes of the viewer, it belongs to the past, taking on the status of something retrieved.
The face of a Neanderthal woman, part of a life-size reconstruction informed by fossil anatomy and ancient DNA, peers out from the past for the first time.
根据化石解剖和古DNA ,尼安德特妇女脸部按实际比例还原,第一次从远古走向现代。
At the cusp of a new day week month or year most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future.
Sure, we got to our present size by eating other galaxies, but the time of unrestrained gluttony is in the past, and that's good.
The last time I said that the past year had gone by too quickly, for example, I did not conclude that the calendar, or the clocks, must be inaccurate as a result.
The last time I said that the past year had gone by too quickly, for example, I did not conclude that the calendar, or the clocks, must be inaccurate as a result.