In the early 1400s came the invention of the coiled spring or fusee which maintained constant force to the gear wheels of the timekeeper despite the changing tension of its mainspring.
Once known, it spread rapidly, driving out water clocks but not solar dials, which were needed to check the new machines against the timekeeper of last resort.
As the timekeeper of the zodiac, Mars' role is different from all the other planets.
Still seeking help in this bedlam, I approached the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so.
Sometimes a mail steamer would come in, and Captain Nichols, having scraped acquaintance with the timekeeper, would succeed in getting the pair of them a job as stevedores.
All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.
The feat was recorded on video and scored by an official timekeeper, validating it for Guinness World Records purposes, said Sara Spaulding, spokeswoman for event sponsor Jump Mobile.
大赛赞助商Jump Mobile公司的发言人莎拉·斯伯丁说,比赛全过程有现场录像,并有官方计时员为选手计时,目的是为《吉尼斯世界纪录》提供依据。
Start the meeting by choosing a facilitator, a recorder, and a timekeeper.
The new record-holder for the most precise timekeeper could tick off the 13.7-billion-year age of the universe to within 4 seconds.
Mars, the so-called timekeeper of the zodiac, has sounded the gong to pay attention to career progress by making his first visit to your house of fame and honors in two years.
The biological timekeeper deep in the brain that governs when we sleep and when we wake runs at a faster pace in women, a new study shows, NPR reported.
The brand serves as Official Timekeeper for the Diamond League at all of the events in this, its second season.
Should a shot clock be introduced, both players will be "on the clock" and there will be an official timekeeper for the duration of the match. Normally there will be a warning when 10 seconds remain.
Should a shot clock be introduced, both players will be "on the clock" and there will be an official timekeeper for the duration of the match. Normally there will be a warning when 10 seconds remain.