Every word of the torah braided crowns for the godhead.
The Torah wants us to have a most meaningful intimate relationship with our spouse.
At the same time, since the torah is infinite one can never finish studying the torah.
According to oral tradition, Feast of Weeks was the time of giving the Torah or the Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.
And only a sofer or ordained scribe could do the repairs to the more than 300,000 letters that make up the torah.
Near the end of his life, Moses taught the laws of the Torah to the new generation that had grown up in the desert.
The Torah probably reached a fixed and authoritative status first, then the books of the Prophets and finally the Writings.
In the Jewish tradition, the injunction to "love thy neighbour as thyself," is considered to be the very essence of the Torah.
When Saints Peter and Paul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read and the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire.
First of all, Israel has the Torah and Talmud, and you trace back 5,000 years of Jewish history, including the Second Temple and Masada.
In synagogues, the bema (or bimah) is a raised platform with a reading desk from which the Torah and passages from the Prophets are read.
Judaism, with its passage of the Torah from generation to generation in an unbroken line across two millennia, fills me with awe and admiration.
Antiochus IV will pay attention to the Jews who have forsaken the Torah, "Forces sent by him shall occupy and profane the temple and the fortress."
Venus and some of the volunteers who helped in the torah's restoration decided it only proper to return the torah to the Honduran synagogue in person.
Venus, a sofer or ordained scribe and more than 40 other volunteers painstakingly cleaned the torah with scalpels which scraped the mud off, but would not damage the fragile letters.
Then Paul,instead of taking Sarah as representing Judaism, the Torah,Moses,the law,and Jerusalem, he makes Hagar represent the law,the current Jewish people, and Jerusalem,Jerusalem of the Jews.
Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
He says he seeks to give the two central institutions of Torah.
He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant.
Many of Yitzhar’s residents are raised on the teachings of Yitzchak Ginsburgh, an American rabbi, who ran a Torah school at Joseph’s tomb before Palestinians chased it out.
Many of Yitzhar’s residents are raised on the teachings of Yitzchak Ginsburgh, an American rabbi, who ran a Torah school at Joseph’s tomb before Palestinians chased it out.