Turning sadly away, the sweeper's eye was caught by a gleam in the bushes near the rock where he had placed the treasure chest the night before.
This initiative will open the treasure chest of the World Bank’s data and knowledge to every village health care worker, every researcher, everyone.
By September's end the treasure chest of autumn begins to "spill over" with wealth. You see it glowing in the quiet afternoon, aflame in the sunset.
Being playful with the answering step allows us to relax, and more easily access our inner wisdom—this will open up a treasure chest of possibilities and self-understanding.
UNIX is a treasure chest of tools with which you can not only do productive work but also educate and entertain yourself as you explore the depths of the operating system.
I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I will be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!
For Pirates fans everywhere, this treasure chest of art and design from the entire movie trilogy is a visual feast that promises hours of endless browsing pleasure.
Some had succeeded so far as to touch the iron chest which contained the treasure, when some baffling circumstance was sure to take place.
And that treasure chest, with footprints of your size leading up to it, your lockpick still in the lock, and a strand of long red hair snagged on the latch?
He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest. "here it is," he said.
Open the back house deck's doors to reveal the captain's Chambers complete with a map, poison bottle, organ and even a treasure chest filled with jewels and gold!
Open the back house deck's doors to reveal the captain's Chambers complete with a map, poison bottle, organ and even a treasure chest filled with jewels and gold!