The trial period was over, and I could settle down to building a closer contact with the apes.
Both Mobi TV and GoGo are applications that require users to pay a fee beyond the trial period.
Because the portfolio assessment is in the trial period in our country, its effect is not certain.
During the trial period you will receive the Monthly Personal Success Bonus payment as an additional hardship allowance.
At the end of the trial period, the researchers found no changes in natural killer cell activity except in the group taking fish oil.
After the trial period, if your customers decide to buy, you'll still get credit - your affiliate id is already wrapped within the trial!
The application of re can not merely improve the accuracy of design and manufacture, but also shorten the trial period and cut down cost.
At the end of the trial period, the buyer is deemed to have made the purchase if it fails to manifest its intention to purchase or reject the subject matter.
Remuneration package: Probationary period for 5000, three month trial period, after the trial period to see the ability, capacity can be good monthly salary of 10000.
Attention! Not all firmware versions support playing of Greeting. We ask you to test the application during the trial period to be sure that your firmware version is supported.
The meeting decided that in a few African countries have begun to affordable anti-malarial drugs supply system, the initial pilot, and after the trial period to accept the assessment;
a claim for the individual's capacity to make a moral judgment after some period of trial, or after some period of experimentation.
References to “handfasting, ” or a temporary betrothal period , appear as far back as the Middle Ages, and the Incas of South America practiced “trial marriages.”
However, it's not for everyone and I was concerned that, not surprisingly, use of the pedal machine decreased gradually over the one month trial period as enthusiasm waned.
Finally, take workers on for a trial period and agree payment terms before you start, making clear you will pay once the work has been completed.
Download the trial for an evaluation period of 60 days.
Many translation agencies begin with a ‘trial period’ in which they closely monitor the work submitted by new freelance translators.
Download the trial for an evaluation period of 30 days.
Face the fears, and give yourself a little trial period - allow yourself to let go of the need, but just for an hour, or a day. Just for a week.
M: I think I will give you a 3 months 'trial. The salary for this period is 800 yuan a month with no bonus.
The reason this is important is because if the bed gets stained or ripped, you will lose the 10-year warranty and will lose the 30/60/90 day trial period.
They came up with a prototype for the ingenious device which is currently in a trial and analysis period.
They came up with a prototype for the ingenious device which is currently in a trial and analysis period.