Fortunately Greece can fund itself for two more years on cheap borrowing from the troika before it faces restructuring that debt.
Bailout loans come from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which Greeks call the Troika.
But the troika has refused to acknowledge failure and in early September blackmailed Greece: take further austerity measures or there will be no more lending.
In the absence of a grand strategy, the troika of international institutions has flailed around, putting in place new rules for defining fresh milk or the size of loaves of bread.
Some analysts speculated on Sunday that Mr Venizelos had forced the 10-day suspension of talks with the troika so that Greece could appear to be taking a tough stance with its creditors.
As things stand then, the Troika is expected to return to Greece sometime next week to resume their austerity monitoring, and it is hoped that the next tranche of aid will be approved by 2 October.
Kingsmill Bond at Moscow's Troika Dialog suggests the Baltic company Trigon Agri as a way to play the catch-up story in the Eurasian steppe.
莫斯科三方对话Troika Dialog银行的金斯米尔·邦德建议,把波罗的海的三角农业公司作为竞逐欧亚大草原上的途径。
Right now, Greece is negotiating with the EU-European Central Bank-International Monetary Fund troika for a new rescue package - all the while Athens sits on an impressive four-million-ounce 125 u.
And it is eyeing India, which Mr Maree says is "the missing link", given that Standard bank already has an operation in Brazil and a stake in a Russian investment bank, Troika Dialog.
考虑到标行已在巴西运营,在俄罗斯投资银行Troika Dialog也持有股份,它现在正盯着Maree先生所提到的“缺失环节”——印度。
In the "troika" which stimulate economic growth, consumption is the largest inertia force, it exerts most important and long-lasting motive force in economy growth.
Risk appetite has started the week on a bad footing as troika talks in Washington over the weekend failed to produce any clear news or solutions for the ongoing debt crisis.
Risk appetite has started the week on a bad footing as troika talks in Washington over the weekend failed to produce any clear news or solutions for the ongoing debt crisis.