The trustee must keep and use the trust property only for the beneficiaries you name in your trust agreement.
Earnestly managing the trust property and arranging at least one trust manager for each trust plan of assembled funds.
The trust instrument msut identify the trust property, the trustee, and the beneficiariess, and state the terms of the.
The trust instrument must identify the trust property, the trustee, and the beneficiaries, and state the terms of the trust.
The fees paid by a judicial trustee may be deducted out of the income of the trust property unless the court otherwise directs.
Article 34 the trustee shall have the obligation to pay the beneficiary benefits from the trust with the limits of the trust property.
The trustee shall bear liability of compensation if he violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the trust property.
The Trustor shall provide the Trustee with related documents and information of the trust property without any false statements or concealments.
The Trustee may determine the real estate mortgage rights or other security interests for the trust property within the scope of the borrowed money.
In the countries of Anglo-American Law System, the trustee has the legal title of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the equitable title of it.
The properties that the trustee obtains by way of managing, utilizing, disposing of the trust property or by other means shall also be deemed as trust property.
The creditor's right and the debt caused when the trustee manages, utilizes and disposes the trust property of different trustors must not offset each other.
Article 37 the charges paid and the debts owed to a third party by the trustee in the course of handling trust business shall be borne by the trust property.
Article 26 Except obtaining remuneration according to the provisions of this Law, the trustee may not seek interests for himself by using the trust property.
The properties that the trustee obtains by way of managing utilizing disposing of the trust property or by other means shall also be deemed as trust property.
Any premium payable by a judicial trustee to any guarantee company on account of his security may, if the court so directs, be paid out of the trust property.
Article 26 the trustee must not take advantage of the trust property to seek profits for his own except getting remuneration according to the provisions of this Law.
Where the trustee, in violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, causes losses to the trust property, he shall bear the responsibility to pay compensation.
The judicial trustee shall give such information to the court as may be necessary for the purpose of keeping the statement of the trust property correct for the time being.
It is pointed out that there are many problems in the regulation, such as: no credit provision on the trust company, no transfer of the trust property, no strict supervision system.
For trusts, absent express choice, either the laws of the place where the trust property is located or those of the place where the trust relationship occurred will govern the trust.
Article 3 the trust property of a trust company shall not be a part of the inherent property of the trust company, or a part of the trust company's liabilities for the beneficiaries.
Article 18 the creditor's right obtained by the trustee through the management utilization and disposition of the trust property must not offset the debt caused by his inherent property.
Article 18 the creditor's right obtained by the trustee through the management utilization and disposition of the trust property must not offset the debt caused by his inherent property.