The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.
Mintz has gotten a rare glimpse at the underbelly of tireless ambition.
The underbelly of the upper level vessel is stained black reflecting the ground in to the interior spaces.
The book provides an entertaining look at the underbelly of the financial markets, revealing what's really going on in that opaque world.
There it was attached to the underbelly of the Dark Reaper, and after thousands of years, the ancient Sith weapon was operational yet again.
That is why a team from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica.
The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.
A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle's underbelly, and an extra-long robotic arm enabled astronauts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight.
But when threatened, the animal will clamp down tightly on the seafloor to protect its soft underbelly.
They're not necessarily about the seamy underbelly of life, but there is always the hint that we are eavesdropping.
We discovered that the turtle remains consisted only of parts of the carapace and plastron (the shell and underbelly).
Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources, using virtualization software as its underbelly.
Many of the items recovered, like meal carts, were found with their contents compressed from the bottom, and pieces of the plane's underbelly were flattened as if struck from below.
Otherwise, gigs can be heard year-round in the city's underbelly of abandoned factories and squats that look a lot like Berlin - maybe 10 years ago. - Gisela Williams.
另外,你可以在城市下区的废弃工厂区去听上一整年的音乐会,这个区看上去就像是柏林-也许是10年前的柏林—Gisela Williams推荐。
Index CARDS cover blueprints of the pipes in the prison's underbelly and he tries to memorize the route he'll need to take to break out of Fox River.
他用索引卡遮盖住监狱地下管道的设计图,试图用心记住逃出Fox River的必要路线。
The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
And NASA is defending its decision not to repair the gouge in the shuttle's underbelly in space.
And if this was its intention, Operation Mekong has exceeded this mission by visually bringing to our attention the shockingly brutal and violent underbelly of a world that most never see.
The stock - market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy, eg its trade deficit.
The much-publicized hole in the protective tiles covering the shuttle's underbelly did not impact the vehicle's reentry and no unusual conditions were reported during the period of maximum heating.
Teenagers are nothing if not experts at looking at the cruel, torturous underbelly of life.
The sweaty underbelly of this industry can be blamed mostly on insane deadlines and work hours, ever-changing SDKs and operating systems, and intense competition.
极端的开发限期, 超长的工作时间,千变万化的SDK、操作系统以及异常激烈的竞争,使得这个产业的人们不得不擦一把汗。
The wind picks up and blusters. Its fat underbelly scrapes the uneven ground, twisting like taffy toward me, slips up over the mountain, and showers out across the Great Plains.
Software internationalization is the current international trend of software as well as the soft underbelly of the domestic software industry.
Software internationalization is the current international trend of software as well as the soft underbelly of the domestic software industry.