The untold suffering in the days of old China left an indelible imprint on my tender mind.
This is a competent and professional account—though it does not quite merit its claim to be the untold story.
I will fly tomorrow. I am not afraid of the untold difficulties and dangers. I will fly to return to you side.
Closer to home are the untold trials and tribulations of the people of Darfur, which the world seems to have forgotten.
We have all witnessed the untold damage that is done when content that should have a professional tone is set in Comic Sans.
And he called the fight against terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region one of the untold success stories of the war on terror.
But Shan's parents, strapped with debt and obligation, are among the untold millions of people in rural China caught in a brutal cycle.
Although the development of modern transportation to bring the untold convenience, but also increase the number of potential safety problems.
She and her husband, Martin Anderson, are authors of Reagan's Secret War: the Untold Story of His Fight to Save the World from Nuclear Disaster (Crown, 2009).
她和她的丈夫,MartinAnderson,是《里根的秘密战争》的作者。该书讲述了里根拯救世界于核灾难背后故事(Crown, 2009)。
He also pointed out the untold consequences a bankruptcy could have on world markets — a scenario Bear Stearns directors didn't want to be held responsible for.
The untold story of Mexico's greatest and most beloved comedy film star of all time, from his humble origins on the small stage to the bright lights of Hollywood.
The Devil’s Derivatives: The Untold Story of the Slick Traders and Hapless Regulators Who Almost Blew Up Wall Street…and Are Ready to Do It Again. By Nicholas Dunbar.
But for the untold Numbers of Chinese manufacturers who have always relied on low costs to be competitive, inflation has caused them to lose their edge around the world.
Peacekeeping and Armed Conflict: The untold loss of human life, suffering, and property damage that results from armed conflict necessitates that all responsible nations work to prevent it.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will tell the "untold part" of the boy wizard's story, Rowling has said.
For by my glee might many men have laughed, And of my weeping something had been left, Which must die now. I mean the truth untold, The pity of war, the pity war distilled.
Experts have estimated that the death toll will likely reach into the thousands, with untold Numbers homeless.
But just where is the great question; and the desire of one person, who thinks he has discovered the norm, to compel all other men to stop there, has led to war and strife untold.
When most would be going to bed - in whatever country we would find ourselves - Farrell would still be on the phone, still writing or planning where he should be, what untold story needed telling.
The time you spend nurturing those relationships with other people can produce untold benefits in terms of happiness.
Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
Few are playing sad cellos over the fate of such folk, especially since the collapse of the institutions they run has yielded untold financial pain.
Somehow, returns to farmers must rise without inflicting untold misery on the poor.
This kind of thinking has tossed untold Numbers of experienced, highly skilled people into the ranks of the long-term unemployed, a group that now constitutes nearly half of all U.S. jobless.
Experts have estimated that the death toll will likely reachinto the thousands, with untold numbers homeless.
Experts have estimated that the death toll will likely reachinto the thousands, with untold numbers homeless.