The unit pressure in backward extruding hollow billet has been calculated by the slip line method and the upper bound method.
The three-dimensional limit method for slope stability analysis includes the upper bound method and the 3d limit equilibrium method.
The upper bound method of limit analysis can be used for the stability analysis of reinforced earth; the internal works on the slip plane is the crux of the stability analysis.
Furthermore, a generalized upper bound method for powder metallurgical material in plane strain was developed and its application was illustrated by analyzing the plane strain extrusion.
The upper bound limit analysis of the slope is numerically performed by element integration method(EIM) .
A set of equations determining the neutral Angle, rolling torque and the slip condition in asynchronous rolling are derived by upper bound method.
Usually the ratio of the upper bound to the lower bound is larger than 2, resulting in the computational burden of the proposed method less than 1.4 times of that of the autocorrelation method.
A upper bound with consistent matrix norm and the estimate for error of AOR iterative method for solving linear equation system, which based on the doubly diagonal dominance, are presented.
The model element method includes both finite element method and upper bound element method and can compensate each to other.
A new method to determine the limit load of reinforced concrete deep beam when sheared was presented by upper-bound method based on reinforced concrete plasticity theory.
In this paper, the method of extremum of the product function is used to analyze upper bound seismic base shear force of the existing overpass and the calculation formulas are gotten.
With upper bound method and least energy principle, the conditions are established of drawing and breaking workpiece with cross wedge rolling technique to form axial symmetry spare parts.
Two methods of the minimum expenses and maximum flux and the table dispatching method to the rotating-transporting problem with a transport amounts upper bound were given.
The limit external load could therefore be solved from the upper bound limit theorem, and its minimum value could be obtained from the optimization method.
Bearing capacity analysis based on the upper bound theorem of plasticity could be numerically performed by element integration method.
A new method is proposed to calculate the temperature jump during high-speed wire finish rolling through upper-bound triangular velocity field.
The flow function method is used to define the kinematically admissible velocity field, the strain rate field and the upper bound deformation power of solid aluminum shape with thin wall extrusion.
The flow function method is used to build the kinematically admissible velocity field, the strain rate field and the upper bound deformation power of wide section Aluminum shape extrusion.
This paper simulates the deformation process of ironing deep drawing by means of the upper bound element method.
In this paper, the rigid plastic finite element method is applied to analyze ring compression and the results are compared with those of the upper-bound method and experiments.
To obtain robust stability and lower guaranteed cost of interval matrix fault tolerant systems, a method of determining the minimum upper bound of the real symmetric matrix set is proposed.
For locating the critical failure surface, the particle swarm or the harmony method is used, which is an upper bound approach.
A new multi-block upper-bound method was presented herein to calculate the bearing capacity of two-layer foundation soils and calculation of the kinematical velocity fields was discussed.
A new multi-block upper-bound method was presented herein to calculate the bearing capacity of two-layer foundation soils and calculation of the kinematical velocity fields was discussed.