The expected negative real-policy rate will influence much of the US Treasury curve as well.
The US is not worried whether China will sell the US Treasury bonds it holds, for the Fed can buy them back.
For one, China is an important US creditor and wants to make sure the US Treasury remains good for its debts.
At a news conference in Washington, the US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner explained why he thought the bill was important.
The us Treasury secretary indicated publication had been delayed because of action by China last month to allow its currency to rise.
The US Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public they could remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
The US treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public that they can remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
The us Treasury signalled it was ready to step in with funds intended to prop up the financial system to prevent the biggest industrial failure in us history.
The gathering was attended by the US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who called for the euro's rescue fund to be increased, a plea that was rejected.
The US budget deficit for the fiscal 2010 year narrowed to $1.294 trillion from last year's record $1.416 trillion, the US Treasury Department said Friday.
美国财政部15日发布报告称,2010财年美国联邦财政赤字收窄至1.294万亿美元。 美上一财年的赤字额为1.416万亿美元,创该国财政赤字最高纪录。
The Fed has cut interest rates, worked closely with the US Treasury to bail out key private firms like Bear Stearns and AIG, and flooded markets with liquidity.
The US Treasury responded by saying the agency had underestimated the ability of American leaders to come together and address the fiscal challenges facing the country.
China sold us Treasuries in August, reducing its net holdings but remaining the largest foreign holder, Dow Jones Newswires reported citing the us Treasury Department.
The us Treasury denied the market's judgement that the appeal of nationalization of the two big housing companies lead to the collapse of the two companies' stock prices.
The message went to Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, in Beijing for the strategic economic dialogue he helped launch to discuss long-term issues between the two countries.
Lyons added that the tough stance adopted to Lehman's by the US Treasury had encouraged John Thain, the chief executive of Merrill Lynch, to accept the takeover offer from Bank of America.
It is hard to see a reason for yields on long-term Treasuries being so low, other than a desire to hold the liabilities of the US Treasury, safest issuer of dollar - denominated securities.
Barclays and Bank of America had been in talks to rescue the Bank, but negotiations falters when it became clear that the us Treasury was oppose to using government money to help seal a deal.
However, data released by the US Treasury yesterday showed that the number of foreign purchasers of US debt fell last week. For now, though, the investment fund community is picking up the slack.
However, Beijing knows that if it abruptly withdrew support from the us Treasury bond market, China would be one of the biggest losers because of the drop in the value of its huge remaining holdings.
When the US Treasury moved in 1934 to help American silver producers by buying silver to boost the price, China's currency rose in value, leading to an outflow of silver and savage domestic deflation.
The greater the uncertainty attached to all other cash flows, the greater the demand for US Treasury securities.
The greater the uncertainty attached to all other cash flows, the greater the demand for US Treasury securities.