To assign a datastore to a user, right click on the user entry in the user Management console.
要想把数据存储分配给用户,应该在User Management控制台中右键单击用户条目。
Along with emergence of grid technology, the user management isn't central, closed and controllable.
Add a new user by clicking the Add new user icon in the user Management console as shown in Figure 6.
在user Management控制台中单击图6所示的Addnew user图标,添加一个新用户。
I am using Azure anyway, so I thought to leverage it for the user management and authentication/authorization.
The system has advantage on the protection of the digital product right and the flexibility of the user management.
It does not realize the similar PBX operator function, only realizes idea spends with the user management function.
The network controller is one important part of the user management and controlling system, it can filter and forward.
In the example shown in Figure 10, we want to evaluate one attribute of the user management system; so, we select Portal Users.
在如图10所示的示例中,我们需要评估用户管理系统的一个属性,因此选择了Portal Users。
The user management mold provided to the users and departments of operation, providing the visible management of the Roles and Permissions and SecurityGroup.
The design of the user management system includes the optimization of the user management rules, and an implementation to the user management using the JSP technology is presented.
This paper has also made some research on the access framework based on user classification, the user management and the characteristics of authorization, and efficiency optimization.
At last, give out a test result of the user management and maintenance module, in the functionality test, command set test and application test, it works well, and has a good applied potential.
The thesis presents the design of the expansibility of NETLAB, the approach to the function improvement and the performance optimization, and also the implementation of the user management system.
User and group management operations also only affect the user population associated with a realm.
His group must meet performance goals and service level agreements set forth by his user community; the financial management system must respond to users' online queries in 3 seconds or less.
The DOORS environment comes with a built-in user management system.
When installed, all users are synchronized between the core operating system and the Add-on, which allows for centralized user management.
To further minimize memory requirements, create scripts for load management using the user interface.
This service will be explained in detail in the security and user management part of this article series.
In recent versions, the focus has been on the simplification of the user experience and management of distributed applications.
Administration: servers, and in particular software, requires continuous upkeep such as installation of security patches, upgrade of the OS and middleware, user account management and so on.
This service will be explained in more detail in the Security and user management article of this series.
Other users can seamlessly integrate into the activity management done by a particular user.
Scenarios are used to describe products and key tasks in terms of high-level user goals and the business process management lifecycle.
However, when using CPP to access the external POP3 mail server, the user does not see folder management, out-of-office services, and launch.
The impact on user roles and mediations is similar, except governance and management are entirely centralized, as the branches have minimal IT staff.
The user can then specify which software configuration management (SCM) tool is to be used in the Source Code management section.
A popup window displays, listing the available user management properties.
This lets application developers offload the task of user profile management to a third-party trusted resource, so they can concentrate on developing the application.
This lets application developers offload the task of user profile management to a third-party trusted resource, so they can concentrate on developing the application.