Sometimes, I really doubt of the value of being a postgraduate. After all, the reality is too far removed from what we crave for.
In addition, I learned the value of being united with others at all times-family, friends or colleagues-especially during difficult times.
Five years ago, all of our units were much freer to do what they wanted for local autonomy; now we see the value of being global as well as local.
An article in the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review suggests that such an approach seriously underestimates the value of being liked.
His department has a blog and Frazier said he learned the value of being able to keep the public updated quickly in October after a bombing at an area law firm.
That humans continue to inhabit areas threatened by flood damage is only evidence that the value of being near the water far exceeds the costs of repeated periodic flooding.
This proverb sounds a lot like the one we thought about yesterday. But while yesterday we focused on the importance of daring to rebuke, today we will focus on the value of being rebuked.
And yes these poems were also sung; many troubadours were able to make a living being full-time poets which should tell you something about the value of that profession during medieval times.
It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par (the full value of the bond).
The true value of our offerings does not lie solely in the tools being installed and set up.
You don't want to lose the value of the system by having messages of a certain type being in mixed categories.
The primary intent of an organization-wide assessment of software development capability is to provide value to the team being assessed.
The name of the property corresponds to the alias name of the promoted property, with the value being the override value for the promoted property.
The postSet() needs to fire an event to all of the registered listeners with the object being updated, the action of the update, the value before, and the value now.
x You measure basically, for various values of x, what the value of y ends up being.
Ego can get in the way - not in terms of the quality of the job being performed, but in terms of the value to the organization at large.
In looking to use patterns within these other domains there is value in being systematic, being disciplined and looking to quantify the value and impact of using patterns.
Locals are being encouraged to see the value of showing off their sites to tourists.
Along this arc, the value of alpha changes smoothly, being smaller in one direction and larger in the other.
This routine takes in two arguments, the second being the absolute value of time by which, if the lock could not be acquired, the routine returns with a non-zero status.
When it bought into Forbes, Elevation believed that the value of its stake would rise sharply, but was clearly worried about being able to exit the deal.
As the majority of its costs were in renminbi, this meant that the value of Anta's cash pile was steadily being eroded.
In an accounting application, you can list transactions on an account, and a summary component can list the total value of the transactions being viewed.
Greece in turn would pass on about 20% of the original bonds' value (or 30% of the amount being rolled over) to a special-purpose vehicle (SPV) that would buy AAA-rated bonds maturing in 30 years.
But equally, if you're the first with a scoop, you'll soon be buried under the avalanche of copies, an ouroboros of rewrites that sucks any value out of being ahead of the crowd.
Therefore, what is being passed is a copy of the reference, but that reference is being passed by value.
The degree of confidence in the match should be balanced against the value of the information being addressed and the cost to determine the match.
The degree of confidence in the match should be balanced against the value of the information being addressed and the cost to determine the match.