To clarify what the value of economic law is, it is first to clarify the meaning of value, and the meaning of value of law.
The adjustment of economic law is related to economic management of social publicity, motivated in value to maintain the social public profits.
In current economic law world, the popular viewpoint is that the effectiveness value is the basic value of economic law, but this viewpoint lacks the rigorous proof.
The economic law value orientation of the new bankruptcy law lies in the socialized production.
The purpose of economic law is an important issue concerning the justice and value-orientation of economic law.
The principle of equal-value exchange, which stresses equal value in exchange, is a common law in commercial and economic activities.
The question of value of law is an old and remote problem and the question of value and idea of economic law is a focus that the law circles of our country dispute in recent years.
For the sake of convenience in researching the problems, some technological theories like value of the law, economic analysis, comparison as well as systematic analysis are employed in the thesis.
This is author will study the application of Metcalfe Law in eyes economic, customer lock-in and customer expectation management, the accuracy of the value is square of customer number.
Xinjiang during the first cycle of local economic legislation studies, We should be clear the economic cycle and the cycle of Law definition of the economic value of jurisprudence.
The economic law should took the interests of whole society and even whole human as the primary value goal;
The law of value is just the law of economization on labouring time; the law of national economy urbanism is just the law of economization on economic space.
So from a certain sense, the biggest feature of the new "Bankruptcy law" compared to the old "Bankruptcy law" is its more obvious economic law of value orientation.
And this provides perceptual knowledge for the further discussion of the special operating mechanism and functional value of the economic law.
And this provides perceptual knowledge for the further discussion of the special operating mechanism and functional value of the economic law.