Being responsible is therefore not just a pleasant state in which his desire for power is gratified it is a standard or status in which the value of power of freedom in instantiated.
His jihadi CV is pitiful compared with the evidence being given by some of the 14 "high value detainees" belatedly brought to guantanamo from CIA secret prisons in September.
His department has a blog and Frazier said he learned the value of being able to keep the public updated quickly in October after a bombing at an area law firm.
It wasn't just being able to do his job, but made Harry value his appointments to Afghanistan so highly, it was the simplicity of his life out here.
Wolff also argues that the value of a great thinker does not depend on his or her views being true, but on other features such as originality, insight, and systematic vision.
Our culture places a high value on being punctual. My friend always complained me when I attended his party not being in the Nick of time.
Our culture places a high value on being punctual. My friend always complained about me when I attended his party not being in the Nick of time.
In this sense, there is no real conflict between Marx's emphasis on value-ideal of human being and his discovery of the factual law of human being.
Mr Carle initially had to empty his flat of anything that did not meet the test of 50% of its value being made in France.
Mr Carle initially had to empty his flat of anything that did not meet the test of 50% of its value being made in France.