Every tiny movement seemed magnified in the vastness of the forest.
Yingying is an antelope symbolizing the vastness of China's landscape.
El Nino is said to begin somewhere in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.
We see it as a nanosecond in the vastness of time which has lead to this moment.
There is a tide of Us in the Vastness of Stillness or the Stillness of Vastness.
All the vastness of his creation is designed for him to learn and explore his idea of creation.
The vastness of the oceans and the complexity of their problems still leave many puzzles unsolved.
Moreover, the enemy is also exploiting the vastness of our territory to bypass our fortified positions.
It also brought an understanding of the vastness of the universe and humanity's insignificant place in it.
Given the vastness of modern science, such a book can only ever hope to be a potted guide to what is going on.
From this distance, oceans, land, clouds, and ice blend into a blur of light, a mere dot against the vastness of space.
The vastness of geologic time and the slowness of geological processes are difficult to capture in a simple chart.
Not only is the vastness of the terrain unsettling, but many of the boys are living around animals for the first time.
Thus far, the castle had been different - it intimidated people with the labyrinth of rooms and the vastness of dark halls.
That is realistic, given the vastness of Reliance—it is India's biggest private-sector company—and of India's retail potential.
This first method is for those unfamiliar with the vastness of their own inner consciousness. It is simple but highly effective.
Let's make concerted efforts in preserving the vastness of outer space a tranquil place for the benefit of our future generations.
And yet, with the vastness of this world, with the number of people out there who will resist change... it seems impossible at times.
The vastness of the land, the relative small population, and the rich natural resources make the country the most ideal place to live.
She periodically drifted into a trance-like state as she viewed the vastness of the Australian hinterland. That too, suited her fine.
Given the vastness of the universe, and all the places NASA could have targeted for study, that would certainly appear to be the case.
Given the vastness of the universe, and all the places NASA could have targeted for study, that would certainly appear to be the case.
On the one hand flammable ice or in the vastness of the ocean bottom, or at risk far alpine permafrost zone, the development very difficult.
We look around at the vastness of this world and our universe and it tells us there must be something higher than just our little human lives.
He meant the irreversible continuum of time that flowed through him, the pulse of his life approaching his death within the vastness of infinity.
He meant the irreversible continuum of time that flowed through him, the pulse of his life approaching his death within the vastness of infinity.
He meant the irreversible continuum of time that flowed through him, the pulse of his life approaching his death within the vastness of infinity.